
sunny anderson: hey hey hey. how are you guysdoing today? i've got my awesomefriend here. she's going to betranslating everything i do with her hands. does everyone knowabout gimme five? no? it's the fifth anniversaryof let's move. so it's all about the fifth anniversary and five ways
that we can show each otherthat we're doing things that help us be ahealthier human. i can tell you one way idid yesterday. i walked up the steps. i know that seems very basicbut it happens. i saw them. i was at cbs. there were things i wantedon the second floor. i thought it was just twoflights and it turned into
four flights. (laughter) but halfway there, i said,"this is part of my give me five," so i went up thesteps. i'm going to show you how tomake a smoothie. who like smoothies? (applause) yeah, who like smoothies? do you like smoothies?
do you like -- do you wantto help me make a smoothie? come on up. i want you to help memake a smoothie. who else? hmmmm.... young man; youcome help me make a smoothie. he's related to me. really hard on theway home if he didn't come up here.
okay, so we're goingto make a smoothie. do you know whata smoothie is? it's a drink that's smooth. what else is smooth? female speaker: a snail'sbottom. sunny anderson: a snail'sbottom, sure. sunny anderson: sure, abanana's smooth. you know how to cut abanana? do you know there's aspecial way to cut a banana?
that's right. there isn't. sunny anderson: there's nospecial way. by the way, my name is sunnyanderson and i work on food network. i have a show called cookingfor real in the kitchen and, every once in a while, youmight see me hanging out with my girl, rachael ray. we have lots and lots offun.
what i like to tell peopleis i'm not a chef. i'm just a cook. and so a lot of times you'llsee chefs on tv telling you ways to do things like thisis how you must cut something. i don't know if i reallycare; just cut it, right? so i'm going to show you howto cut the banana because i don't want you guys to, well-- do you guys want to cut the banana?
female speaker: sure. sunny anderson: okay, notwith this knife. i came prepared so we've gotsome butter knives. is that okay parents? can we butter knife? that's cool? okay, here you go. you're going to cut up abanana. do you want to cut up abanana?
male speaker: sure. sunny anderson: alright,here you go. and adrian -- what's yourname? female speaker: jillian sunny anderson: and what'syour name? male speaker: logan sunny anderson: logan andjillian, this is adrian. you guys meet my family,jillian, logan. we're all going to make asmoothie together.
all right, so, tell me how youexercise. what's your one way becausewe've got to get five ways? i went up the steps. (inaudible) sunny anderson: push-ups. how often do you dopush-ups? female speaker: a couple oftimes a day. sunny anderson: a couple oftimes a day. is it when you push up fromthe bed?
and then you push up fromthe couch? that's cool. push-ups are good. it builds upper bodystrength. do you know what i mean? you carry more books toclass. there goes your microphone. look at you. you're a rock star now.
okay, so i'm going to justput three bananas down. you guys are going to justcome together, right in the middle of thestage, and just chop these bananaslike crazy. does everyone have a butterknife? male speaker: no. sunny anderson: do you wantone adrian? male speaker: yes. sunny anderson: here you gobaby doll.
are you ready? okay, three bananas. i'll give you 10 seconds. do you guys want to countwith me? ten, nine, eight, seven,six, five, four, three, two, one. alright you all give it upfor the banana slicing -- -- good stuff, good stuff,okay so what we're going to do is we're going to fillthese up.
just put like a handful inone and then leave a little banana over because i'mgoing to show you how to make a fake crãªpe in asecond. leave that piece out. alright, so there we go. put a little bit in both. make it even. alright, who likes orangejuice? we all like orange juice?
okay, what's your otherjuice you like? female speaker: apple juice. sunny anderson: apple juice. use the mic. male speaker: the otherjuice i like -- i like apple juice. what other kind -- pass themic down. adrian, what kind of juicedo you like? thanks logan.
male speaker cranberryjuice. sunny anderson: cranberryjuice. male speaker: grape juice. sunny anderson: grape juice;all great juices that you can make at home. this is freshly squeezedorange juice. huh? oh, yeah. oh, my jacket.
it's better? you've got to catch this forthe mic. yeah? female speaker: (inaudible)put your jacket (inaudible) sunny anderson: this way? female speaker: yeah. sunny anderson: there yougo. it's all about themicrophone. we've got to make sure theyhear us, you know?
a little bit of orange juicein each. does that look kind of even? alright, pass thestrawberries. do you guys likestrawberries? male speaker: yeah. sunny anderson: do you likestrawberries? alright, let's do that andpass me a spoon. so this is like a reallygood recipe, obviously, at the start of the day.
we're getting natural sugarsfrom our fruit here. we all know what sugar does. male speaker: it makes youhyper. sunny anderson: what? sunny anderson: well,sometimes it -- yes, it makes you hyper. but the cool thing aboutsugar in the morning, especially if it's realsugar, right, from actual fruit, not highfructose corn syrup,
is that it gives you anatural boost. you get to school. you're energized. you're ready to go. that's why, usually around11 o'clock, right before lunch, you gethungry again because you got that nice boost from thesugar in the morning. so a little bit ofstrawberry. so now we've got bananas,strawberries,
and some orange juice. alright, see that littlebowl right there with the white in it. that's yogurt. do you guys like yogurt? okay, pass it down. you know what i alwaysloved? so raise your hand ifthere's a food that you can think about that you don'tlike to eat;
just one food that you don'tlike to eat. raise your hand, adults andkids. okay, okay, keep your handraised if you eat baby food. oh, you don't eat baby food? why don't you eat baby food? i'll tell you why. because you grew up. you grew up. okay, so the cool thingabout growing up is that
your mouth and your tastebuds; they grow up with you. right, so the reason thatyou don't like baby food now is because your mouth is somature. yeah, how old are you? female speaker: seven. sunny anderson: so's yourmouth. sunny anderson: yeah, howold are you adrian? male speaker: ten. sunny anderson: ten.
your tongue is 10 years old. what about you? male speaker : nine. sunny anderson: nine. you have a nine-year-oldtongue. do you know what that means? so whatever you didn't likelast year -- maybe you try it this year because yourtongue is growing with you. so things that you didn'tlike a year ago,
you might like now and viceversa. so never put anything onyour list permanently that you don't like to eat. when i was growing up ididn't like cantaloupe. it's mostly because i ate awhole lot of it and i got really sick and so, for along time, i didn't like cantaloupe. now i love it. you've got to give it a try;kind of like your best
friend that got you mad oneday. they're still your bestfriend. food is my best friend. it is. alright, so pass that. it looks like honey but it'snot. it's agave nectar, rightthere in the little squirt bottle in front of you. no, not that logan.
that one right there. you see the little greentop? yep, the other one. so now this; instead ofusing like sugar or honey, agave nectar. it's a little bit healthier. i'm just going to put alittle bit in to sweeten it. what i really, really likeabout this is -- usually i'll make a smoothie andi'll put it into a container
in the freezer and then thenext morning i'll take it out. i'm like getting ready. i drive now because i have acar in california. i didn't have one in newyork and then i'll put it in the car and by the timewherever i'm going, i get there, it's a littlebit like melted and everything. where's the other lidbecause we don't want to
make a mess? does anyone see the otherlid? pass it down. alright, who wants to comepush buttons? female speaker: me. sunny anderson: yeah,alright, okay, we'll chill. i'm going to let you makethe crãªpe with me, okay? the guys can push thebuttons. come over here guys.
alright, so we're pluggedin. you're going to hold thetop. can you reach it? male speaker: i think so. sunny anderson: yeah, oh,you know already. alright, you're going tohold the top and turn it on. you got it on? see the little button? okay, pick a button, anybutton.
have fun. sunny anderson: i don'tknow. we have a malfunction. there we go. i don't know. we'll have to -- we'llswitch it over. that's good. i know, right. that's okay because look;we'll just move one to
the other. that looks good. look at that. alright, let me take thatoff and i'm going to push this one over. okay, go get a glass that'sover there. do you see the glasses? bring them over. you ready adrian?
okay, alright, push thebutton. sunny anderson: give it up,give it up. you all, we're makingsmoothies up here. oh, there's no other glass? oh, give me the glass thathas the straws in it. good stuff. ready? alright, we don't need this. we're going to pour up somedrinks.
these are recyclable straws;nothing but the finest. do you want to pour yours? take the lid off. there you go. oh, oh, are you okay? you're just trying to belike him? (laughs) there you go, pourit on. let me put this right here. watch out.
so now you've got banana,strawberry, orange juice, and a little bit of greekyogurt, a tad of agave nectar. you can use honey if youlike. just -- anything for theladies now. did we fellows? can the ladies havesomething? can i -- might i pour somefor our ladies? give it a taste.
tell me what you think. good stuff? high-five. you all, give it up for myjunior chefs. very easy, very smoothie. just get any fruit. let's be real, alright? parents, throw it into theblender, blend it up and it's good togo.
alright, you guys, go aheadand head down there. you can take your drink withyou. just don't drop the glassand then i'm going to show you -- the reason why sentthe kids away now is we're going to get hot. we're going to get hot. i'm going to turn this heaton right here and show you how to make a really quick,what i call, fake crãªpe. it's a lot of fun and i'musing wheat tortillas.
you might say i'm doing thatjust because it's healthy. i will tell you, well, yes. but also because wheattortillas work best with this so if you try to dothis recipe at home and you have flour tortillas, it'sjust not going to taste that good or work as well. alright, so really quickhere; turn this thingy on. somehow -- i feel like i'mback in my military days. oh, i've got a flame.
do you guys see it? it's there. oh, by the way, i'm priorair force. any veterans here? any veterans? (cheers) yeah, do you know what ilearned, is a lot of times peoplewill say, you know, "thank you for yourservice."
but the real question to aska veteran is "how are you doing? how are you doing?" i'm doing good. are you doing good? alright, my other veteranover here. how are you doing? good, good. alright, so we've got ourwheat tortillas;
very simple. remember the bananas that wehad right here? i'm just going to go in andmake really thin cuts. now everyone is familiarwith chocolate hazelnut spread, right? delicious. now it's in all kinds ofother brands so i don't even have to say the originalbrand, right? okay, so there's somethingthat i truly love.
it's almond butter now. i'm in love with it. there's also cookie butterthat's delicious. that's speculoos; so good. so what i'm going to doright here on half -- can you guys see what i'm doing? on half of each of the wheattortillas just a little of that almond butter; lots ofprotein. this is a great way to startthe day,
plus i love that this isportable. once you fold it up afteryou cook it -- so get that on there. then you say to yourself,"what do i have? what can i add to it? i don't know." a little cooking spray down. alright, so a few nuts. why not?
some almonds. if you have pecans, thatworks too. i love it because it'scrunchy. this is going to be gooey soi love adding texture to anything and then i've gotsome blueberries here. i could have put them in thesmoothie. it would've been fun but whynot put them right there? then some bananas. this is great for breakfastbut i've got to tell you
it's also an awesomemidnight snack, watching a little scandalmarathon or something. what was that phrase misha? it's covered. it's handled. i don't watch scandals. i'm more of a "how to getaway with murder" type girl, so, alright, so on the otherside right here as it's getting warm you can kind offeel it.
that's when i'm going to putlittle, tiny, mini marshmallows; not toomuch so you don't feel like too bad. you know, just like three orfour or five or six...two, four, six, eight, 10 -- female speaker: i love yousunny. sunny anderson: i love youtoo. thanks for watching. i have so much fun cooking.
you know, i just had acatering company one day and the next thing you knowemeril lagasse called and i'm on food network. i always tell people "becareful what you do as a hobby" because it actuallycan turn into a career and i'm totally enjoying myselfright now. so anyone that likes -- ifyou watch or -- and my grandma is here. she wrote the intro to mycookbook to be
on the cookbook. it's just like you'resupporting a dreamer willing to do the work. you're part of my dream. i appreciate it. i really do. alright, so here we areworking on our tortilla, just waiting for it to getwarm. it's probably a little bitfaster at home because
there's no wind happening. any questions? you want a sample? sure, why not? will i get in trouble? i just sent two kids awaywith glasses. where's your glass? did you finish it? okay, was it good?
did you like it? it's so simple. did it taste healthy? did it also taste nothealthy? okay, i wanted you to sayyes to that. (laughs) i love it when foodis healthy but it doesn't taste healthy, you know. it's like "wow, that was asweet drink," you know. alright, so i'm just waitingfor the marshmallows to get
nice and warm. i think i have this turnedup. i'm so excited. is this your first time tothe white house? did we all obsess over whatwe were going to wear today? do you wear a dress? did we do the google search? we did the google searchladies? i did that -- i did mine twodays ago.
no time to shop. what was i doing? i shopped in my closet. it was a good time. alright, so, as we'rewaiting for the marshmallows to get warm, maybe we justwarm up a little bit kids, right? like five, like five thingswe can do so give me five. does anyone have anexercise?
listen, you stay quietbecause i don't want to do any push-ups, okay? but anyone else have anyidea of any exercise we can do to stay warm? what about you mr. van? sunny anderson: jumpingjacks? oh, i love you. let's do some jumping jacks. come on.
i'm going to jumping jack mytail off. alright, what's your name? male speaker: levon. sunny anderson: levon, howold are you? male speaker: eleven. sunny anderson: where areyou from? male speaker: d.c. sunny anderson: d.c.,alright. he's going to lead us injumping jacks.
who's ready to jumping jackwith us? are you ready for this? we're going to do like howmany? sunny anderson: like 10; 10,okay. watch your head right here,okay? we're going to do 10 jumpingjacks. okay, i think i can handlethis. i don't work out. maybe i'll take my shoes offtoo, right, right, right?
okay, here we go. you guys ready? are you guys not going tojumping jack? let's -- arm's width apart. let's get some space for thekids here. we're going to jumping jackas we wait for some food is what you do, right? we've got space? does everyone have space?
girlfriend with the cutejacket on -- let's do these jumping jacks girlfriend. oh, yeah, oh, yeah. here we go. are we ready? are you going to lead us? you count them down; five,four, three, two, one. male speaker: five, four,three, two, one. sunny anderson: one, two,three, four,
five - let's go for 20 --five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 -- extra credit --11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. whew. sunny anderson: that is itfor the month. no, but see, that was reallysimple. maybe during commercialbreak at home, when you're watching yourfavorite show, just get up and do somejumping jacks really quick.
why not, right? you know, kids are likeanimals. we've got to run them. we've got to lay them downat night. that's why i was in balletand karate. give it up for our leadmaster here. thanks for the jumpingjacks. male speaker: you'rewelcome. sunny anderson: appreciateit.
alright, here i am barefootcooking you all. alright, so, as it's warm,you see? i'm going to fold it over --i can't wait to eat it but i'm going to share. someone said they wanted apiece of this, right? get my little knife -- oh,here's one. do you guys see that? can you see the color? it's nice and golden.
where's our plate? go back in there. okay, but you have to do ajumping jack to get one and there's only four piecesso...young man, i saw you. i saw the jumping jack. it was official. okay, come on around. come on, come on. you, come on.
you, you, young man, comeon. let us know what you think. come on over. give us a review. we want to know what ittastes like. we want to know. inquiring -- male speaker: it's prettyyummy. sunny anderson: it's prettyyummy.
it's pretty -- i'm going toput that on my next cookbook cover: pretty yummy. male speaker : it's good. sunny anderson: it's nice. it's nice. male speaker: it's great. sunny anderson: it's great. it's great. all healthy guys, allhealthy.
male speaker: it's reallygood. sunny anderson: it's reallygood? what do you like about it? male speaker:marshmallows. sunny anderson: themarshmallows; awesome sauce. thank you guys for comingout. the cooking is not donetoday. i want to show you somereally simple, healthy ways to cook foryour kids.
it's just wheat tortillas,almond butter, lots of protein, a littlebit of banana, and a couple of marshmallowscan make their day and it's portable. something like that; youmake it the night before, cover it with aluminum foil,pop it in the oven at 200â° while everyone's gettingdressed. they walk out the door witha warm breakfast. thank you guys so, so much.
enjoy the rest of the day. have a good time. let the kids run free andwild. take lots of picturesbecause this is an awesome moment. take care and thanks forwatching.
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