
aloha, this is john kohler with okraw.com.today we have another exciting episode for you, and this one has actually been 20 yearsin the making, believe it or not. that’s 2015 celebrates my 20th year being into aplant-based, raw fruit and vegetable based diet. i started back in 1995 and many youguys may know, i almost lost my life when i was younger. what got me really seriousinto the raw foods diet and almost since the time i’ve started, i’ve been educatingpeople about raw foods first by creating a website, rawfoods.com or living-foods.comand now more recently, giving youtube lectures and going around and teaching people in person. and so what i’m going to share with youguys next, and i want you guys to turn this
video on when you guys have some time. i’mnot going to lie to you. it’s not a quick five minute video where i give you everythingyou need to know in five minutes, right? because frankly, i don’t believe in those kind ofvideos. everybody in our society today, we want the quick fix. we want the pill to getit up. we want the answer in two minutes. well let me tell you guys, it’s not goingto happen. life is an experiential process and it’s an adventure. and over the last20 years i’ve learned so many different things and in this upcoming literally two-hourepisode, i’m going to share with you 20 different things you need to know to be successfulon a raw foods diet. these are things that i’ve learned, andsome of things i wish i learned a long time
ago to basically i can be in an even betterplace today. trust me, i’m still learning today and i want to always encourage you guysnever stop learning and stop growing and stop becoming better wherever you’re at. nowbefore i get into this video, i want to share with you guys one more tip that actually didn’tmake it in to the video. and the tip was simply this: eliminate as many toxins as you canin your life, whether that means environmental or chemical toxins like barbasol shaving cream,crest toothpaste. those have some nasty ingredients that are not good for us. anything that youput in or on your body or near your body gets absorbed into your body and may have negativehealth effects. this is what i try to steer away from. i don’t use a cellphone.
my cellphone actually right here is an iphone4 and it actually has no cell service. if you turn it on, it’s always in airplanemode because it’s these cell signals that produce a lot of rf frequency right by yourhead, and there’s studies in europe that show it causes things like brain cancer. iknow some of you guys need your cellphones, you’re tied to it. i also want to encourageyou guys to disconnect and get out o nature but that’s, i included some of those, butwe want to try to get toxins out of our lives and that’s one of the things i didn’tget to put in the video. so anyways, without further ado, i’m going to get into thatvideo but the last thing i want to tell you guys, if you don’t have two hours to watchthis, down in the bottom there’s a little
spoke wheel, gear-looking thing on youtube.i think it’s down on that side or maybe on that side. you can click that and actuallyyou can speed up the play that this plays so you could have me and hear me talk at 1.5times speed or even two times speed and then i’ll talk like this. and if you can understand me when i talk likethis you’ll be able to understand me when i talk at two speed. and then it’s actuallygoing to take half the time to listen to the video because i do want you guys to get allof this video so you can be more successful than i have been living a plant-based rawfoods diet for the last 20 years because there’s not a lot of people doing it successfullyor just for this long. especially a lot of
the people that you may be watching and lookingup to on youtube, they have not been doing raw foods this long. and when you’ve beendoing it this long, you can have a little bit more wisdom, be a little bit more wise,a little bit more clear, more clarity about some of the right ways and some of the maybenot-so-good ways to od things. i try to teach you guys always the best ofwhat i know, and what i’m teaching you guys is simply my opinions on what’s worked forme and hopefully when you guys try it, it’ll work for you as well. so without further ado,let’s get into the video. so i want to give a talk today at the woodstock fruit festivalof hawaii to share what i’ve learned over the last 20 years on a plant-based raw diet.i started back in 1995, so this is my 20th
year that i’ve been doing this, and i’veseen a lot of people come and go out of raw foods. some of my teachers that i’ve learnedfrom are still doing raw foods today and i don’t like to say i follow anyone’s particularstyle, whether i follow natural hygiene or a1010 or high fat. i kind of pick and choosefrom all the different kinds of raw foods diets that are out there until i find whatbest suits me, and that’s what i encourage everybody out there to do. find what best works for you because we’reall a little bit different. some people thrive on more calories and carbs and less fats,and some people maybe like a little bit less calories which has proven more longevity,and maybe more high-nutrient foods. i’m
kind of more the camp of eating for nutrients.now i have a handout going around today and this is basically “top 20 things i wishi knew 20 years ago when i started a raw foods diet,†plus a bonus tip, so i just put thisup or made this up. i’ve been thinking about this, it was my 20th year this year. i’mgoing to make a video on this topic, and i’m like well what better way to motivate me toget my ass to gear than to give a live talk in front of people? so i came up with thisand thought hard about it. lots of walking around on the beach and stuff.something would come to me and i would write it down, so it’s pretty complete. i gotalmost everything in there, and there’s a few things if you’ve got a copy from thebottom of the stack, there’s like three
copies of my latest revision, 2.0. everybodyelse got version one, so there are some things that aren’t on yours so you might want totake a few notes. i tried to include most of all this in the list, some of it mightnot make sense, it’s kind of notes for me primarily but it may also give you an idea.it will be online in my youtube channel okraw.com. i want to ask everybody right now. how manypeople here know who i am and know the work that i do and maybe seen some of my videos?alright cool. so the majority of you guys know who i amand know what i do. i’ll give a brief synopsis for those of you guys that actually don’tknow who i am. my name’s john kohler and i got into raw foods about 20 years ago becausei had what’s called spinal meningitis and
almost lost my life. i was put in the hospitalright after i got out of college, and the doctors told me i wouldn’t make it out ofthere alive, and that’s not a fun place to be at any age, but especially when you’rein your 20s and have your whole life ahead of you. so luckily i can’t say i made itthrough spinal meningitis because of the raw foods, but that led me to get into raw foods.so when i was coming out of the hospital, i said, “doctor, why did i get spinal meningitis?because none of my other college mates or anybody got it except for me.†he says,“well, you have a chronically weak immune system known as complement immune deficiency.†then he said, “well we could immunize youagainst meningitis, but it only immunizes
you against certain strains, but you couldbe susceptible to meningitis or any other disease and be back in the hospital and notbe so lucky next time.†so this really scared me because when i was in the hospital, i thoughteven if i had a million dollars, even if i had the most money in the world, i was a millionaire,billionaire, all this stuff, even if i wrote a check to the doctor, mr. doctor, one milliondollars, do not cash unless john walks out of there, money would have done me no good.so many work for just money in our society today at the sacrifice of their health, becausethey wake up, they go to their job, they don’t get enough sleep, just to make enough moneyto pay their bills because this is what we’re taught we’re supposed to do.
and i don’t think that’s the best thingto do personally, but if that’s what you want to do, that’s great, but what i reallylearned in the hospital when i almost lost my life was that the most valuable thing thatyou own is your health. because without your health, you don’t have anything. withoutyour health you’re not able to go to work. you’re not able to change the world. you’renot able to love others. you’re not able to enjoy the beauty of hawaii, the ocean,the beach, anywhere, if you’re not here to do it, if you don’t have your health.if you lose your health, like i almost did many years ago. so, anyways, after i got outof the hospital, i knew i had some kind of complement immune deficiency thing, and thatmeans i have a chronically weak immune system.
the doctors blame it on my genes, and i thinkthey blame a lot of thing son your genes when they don’t really know what it is becauseas much as i appreciate doctors and western medicine, they can help you in some instances,like i broke my arm. yeah i’m going to totally trust them when i break my arm. they’regoing to set it, i’m going to of course eat my healthy foods to help heal it a littlebit quicker. or a traumatic accident, but i think they get it wrong on many, many differentthings. giving prescription drugs and just giving people insulin when they got diabetes,when i’ve known people and i’ve seen people and i know in my hart that type 2 diabetescan totally be reversed by eating the proper diet and simply putting the right things intous.
anyways, but way back when, i didn’t reallyknow what i needed to do. i found out that i need to build my immune system however icould, and my first step for me into raw foods was juicing. so i went on a juice fast, juice-stylediet for about six months and started cleansing. i also did colon cleansing, and one thinghappened to me because i was born with a whole bunch of autoimmune conditions, such as asthma,is an autoimmune condition. like skin disorders. i’ve had eczema and emphysema, also hadallergies because they’re all autoimmune conditions where you have a hypersensitiveimmune system. and so i had this dry skin condition, so i’d always get teased as achild in grade school because whether you’re black or a different color than all the otherkids, whether you have red hair or whether
you have dry skin, the different person alwaysgets picked on. so i was always picked on for the dry skinand my pediatrician would tell me, every year i would go for my annual check up when i wasa child, would say, “john you’re going to grow out of this at 13,†would alwaysgive me prescriptions to put on my skin. nothing ever fixed my eczema, my dry skin condition.it was tough as a child, and he told me, “john when you’re 13 you’re going to grow outof it because your hormones are going to kick in.†and so i’d wait every year, waitevery year, and it was my 13th birthday, and i woke up, my biggest wish was okay i’mgoing to wake up, my skin’s going to be fine and here i am getting to be a teenager.hopefully start to date in a couple years
and what girls’ going to date a guy withdry skin and all this stuff. so on my 13th birthday i woke up and my skin was exactlythe same. so i lived with this condition until i gotup to juicing and cleansing and then the raw foods and i remember just after going on apretty strict cleanse, it’s called the “rise and shine†cleanse, and you do like herbsand psyllium and bentonite and chlorophyll and says you can drink as much fresh juiceas you want, but i missed that part and did as much fresh water as i wanted. so it wasa pretty intensive cleanse and after that cleanse, my skin cleared up 100 percent forthe first time since i could remember. i remember just taking a shower, and i wasn’t reallypaying attention to my skin, but i remember
looking at my whole body and i was like, “ohmy god, my skin’s normal like a normal person.†the doctors could never do this to me. i remembercrying in the shower and i don’t know if i was crying in the shower because i was happythat my skin was cleared up, or that i was scared because i had to live this raw fooddiet if i wanted my skin to clear up and if i wanted to be as healthy as i wanted to be.and this was back in 1995, when there wasn’t a whole lot of people doing it like todayand there wasn’t an internet to connect people and to really get a lot of informationabout this stuff. so, that’s pretty much how i got into it. i got really dedicatedbecause back then, my thought was, “okay john, if you eat something unhealthy, eatsomething cooked, you could be back in the
hospital and potentially lose your life, whereasif you eat raw, you can be healthy. look what it did to your skin, and if it did that toyour skin, what else is it doing inside you? it’s increasing your immune system and allthis stuff. this is simply how you have to live.†so from that point in 1995, i’ve been 99.99percent raw. i’m not going tell you i’ve been 100 percent. anybody that says they’re100 percent raw, i kind of would question that in this day and age unless they liveon a ten-acre fruit farm up in maui and my friend does, and i know he’s all raw. butif you’re just out in the real world, there’s so many temptations. we’re all human. i’veeaten baked potatoes way back in the day,
i don’t know, 17 years ago after a big breakupwith my girlfriend. and i learned how it made me feel after ihad baked potatoes the next day when my energy’s so high. usually if i’m eating raw and ieat baked potatoes, my energy goes lower than it was, and i didn’t really feel like gettingout of bed and we’ve all probably felt this. i’ve learned that if i’ve eaten reallydense gourmet raw foods, my energy level goes down. if i’m mostly pretty clean fruitsand vegetables, my energy goes up. and over these years i’ve just learned little tidbitsand things all along my journey the last 20 years. i want to find out how many peoplehave been doing raw foods. if you’re new into raw foods, been doing it under six months,raise your hand. alright, cool. and if you’ve
been doing it maybe six months to like a year.alright, cool. and if you’ve been doing it for like one to two years. and let’ssee, two to four years. alright and how about, let’s see we couldgo four to seven years. and over seven years, anybody? alright. so yeah, i mean all duringyour guys’s journey, whether it’s been six months so far, whether it’s been a year,i’m sure you did things at the beginning where you were like oh, that doesn’t workso well, and now you’re going to do something a little bit differently. you’re learningand you’re adapting and changing. that’s one of the amazing things about humans andwhat we could do. hopefully we’re learning. not everybody always learns from their mistakes,but that’s something that i really want
to encourage, like i encourage you guys tomess up because it’s when you mess up and when you fail is when you actually learn andin my opinion you succeed. because if you’ve never journey out thebox, if you’ve never say i want to try this crazy raw foods diet, you would never havefound this. and if you don’t attempt to do, try new things, then you won’t everget to the next point. one of the principles i like to live my life by is the principleof cani, in japanese it’s known as “kaizen.†c-a-n-i. it stands for “constant and never-endingimprovement.†and that’s what i encourage everybody in this room to strive for. if youdo something today, maybe just find a little bit better way to do it tomorrow, be a littlebit more efficient with striking coconuts,
to take one less swipe at it to save energy,to open it more efficiently so you don’t have the water spray out, or whether that’sgrowing foods. you grow it in the better, different manner so you could get more nutritionin the food or whether that’s preparing your meal. how can i save two steps or increase the nutrientsin the food by maybe changing the procedures on how i make my salad at night. so i’veconstantly been doing that. i know not everybody’s as technical or s pragmatic as i am, but nomatter how you do it, i want to encourage everybody to always keep improving becauseif you fail to improve, you’re going to be like an american carmaker that still makesclunky cars with poor gas mileage whereas
japanese cars they have this kaizen modelwhich we sent over. i learned this in marketing in business school when i went to college,they sent this guy over to japan after we bombed them in world war whatever, denny,and he talked to them about this constant and never-ending improvement model, and that’swhy they have the best cars, higher resale values than american cars, and they last reallylong. my parents got a honda that’s like 200,000miles and my parents’ toyota was like 200,00 miles and they’re really cool how the carsare actually made using this technology. so i guess without further ado, let’s go aheadand get into these. some of these i’ll talk a lot about, some of these i’ll talk a littlebit about. number one, it’s really important
is to eat when you’re hungry. it’s supersimple but some people are like “oh, it’s 8 o’clock. gotta eat breakfast. oh it’snoon. that’s lunchtime. oh it’s 5, it’s 6, it’s dinnertime.†eat when you’rehungry. i like to eat when i’m hungry. like here at woodstock, i’ve been waking up everyday and when i wake up, i’m not instantly hungry because i’ve been sleeping for like,about seven hours of sleep that’s pretty good. i’ve been sleeping for seven hours.i’m not like oh i’m really hungry, and hunger is not felt in our stomach like somepeople may believe. it’s actually felt in our mouth. but when i do wake up, what i do like to dois get hydrated, so whether i have filtered
water or for me, at woodstock i like to havecoconut water. i get hydrated and once i’m hydrated, i’m good to work for the day becauseonce again, when you’re waking up and you’re eating breakfast you’re breaking your fastof seven hours. i like to extend that fast as long as possible into the day because mybody has more time to do the healing and do all the other things it needs to do. somepeople go to bed and wake up and instantly they’re burdening their bodies with godforbid, like eggs and bacon and all these heavy foods. at least just do like a fruitjuice or something, but i like to drink some coconut water, some filtered water, and igo to work. some of you guys may see me every morningover by the building just working online for
a couple of hours and i get involved withmy work, doing what i’m doing, and i’m not even hungry. and then i’ll work andin three four hours, i’m like i think i’m hungry now. and then i’ll feel hungry inmy mouth and maybe have something really light. i like to have something usually fruits inthe morning or some juices and then i eat, once i started eating, and i’ll talk aboutthis later, it’s another way, when you do eat, how you should be, but listen to yourbody and find out when you’re full. oh, there’s 10 papayas and they’re all freehere at woodstock so i’m going to eat all of them because i can’t get them at home,you know? it’s just good to eat until you’re satiated,until you’re full, paying attention to your
body for that signal, instead of just eatinga blanket amount of calories, 3,000 calories a day because somebody on youtube says you’resupposed to do that, right? i mean we’re all different and one of my beliefs and oneof the things that’s really true with nature, with animals is the more exercise, the morephysical labor that you do, the more you’re going to want to eat. the less to you do,if you’re more sedentary, sitting by the computer, somebody sitting by the computershould not eat 3,000 calories a day. not a good idea in my opinion. but you’re goingto eat less and if you listen to your body truly, you’re going to eat the right amount. and i know, especially if you’re beginningand new into this, like i think many of you
guys are, it’s going to take time to learn,but the main thing is you just have to be open to listening to your body and be focusedon your body and listening to what it needs. that is something that you have to learn.it took me many years to learn to tune into how much i eat and what i need to eat. andalso, know when to stop eating. so we have stretch receptors in our stomach so that whenwe eat enough, they stretch out and it signals our brain to stop eating. we also may notfeel hungry in our mouth anymore when we’re eating. we may also get something called taste changewhen we’re eating, like we’re eating dinner and the first bite oh my god it’s so goodbecause you’re so hungry, and you’re eating
maybe 30 bites of 40 bites and the fortiethbite’s like huh, this doesn’t taste so good. i don’t know if i want anymore. butthe first bite was so good and you don’t understand, well maybe that’s your bodytelling you hey, maybe it’s time to stop. even if you have five bites left, i stillwork on this sometime. i’m pretty good usually. even if you got five bites left, i got tofinish my plate because my momma told me i gotta finish my plate. if you get that signaland you got five bites left, i usually put it in a jar and put it in the fridge and i’lleat it the next day. add it to my salad or whatever, right? so stop when you’re full. and if you eatwhole, plant-based foods in this way, you
will never overeat. if you stop when yourbody tells you to stop and you eat whole foods. now if you’re eating processed foods likeoil and sugar, not normal, our bodies are not built to handle this and give us the properstopping mechanism, then that’s going to throw a wrench in the whole system and messyou up. on to number two. spend time out in the sun and connect with nature. the sun iswonderful. i love the sun. vitamin d is great. some people are more sensitive than othersand once again, listen to your body. you’re out in the sun too long you’re like man,i really should go in. go inside. if you feel you need sunscreen,you might want to do that. i don’t particularly like to use sunscreen and if you are goingto get sunscreen, use a natural one, which
we’ll get into down in the list a littlebit. sun’s important to make the vitamin d. also it nourishes us and it’s criticallyimportant. also connect with nature and get out into nature. every day i’ve been hereat woodstock, i’ve gone out on at least a minimum one-hour hike, sometimes two tothree hours. and i like to go through especially some of the rain forests here and just beout in nature with flowing water streams and waterfalls and hiking up the mountains andseeing the amazing critical view and the real fresh air blowing in my face and the breezeto take up good air. nature’s so good. right next to the ocean,there’s these things called negative ions that are coming off the water that make youfeel good. so many people live inside too
much, sitting at a computer all day and theydon’t have enough nature in their life. having a few houseplants inside is not gettingenough nature in your life in my opinion. this is a big one right there, and this isone that’s not really talked about a lot in raw foods: focus on nutrients instead ofcalories, fat or protein. nutrients such as phytochemicals or antioxidants, which areanti-aging. many phytonutrients are protective against disease. eat foods with their tracemineral content. get nutrients from food sources when you canand supplement only if needed. so there’s a lot to digest in there. so, the first pointon that is, i want you guys to focus really on eating for nutrients. if you want longevityin your diet, if you want optimal health in
this diet, you’re not going to eat for calories.calories, we do need calories to survive and in the olden days, and people throughout theages, maybe we ate a starch-based diet or whatever, but that was when food was a scarcityand we needed high-calorie foods just to stay alive. this is an age where we have supermarkets.you can grow your own food in your backyard, and we’re not really starved for calories.you look around and people have calories in excess and it causes many issues. i want toencourage you all to eat for nutrients because it’s these nutrients that are going to allowyou to stay young for longer and fight diseases for you. things that are white foods, whether that’swhite sugar, white flour, white bananas, they
have lower nutritional density than colorful,rich, vibrant-colored foods such as strawberries or blueberries or some nice, brilliant, redpapayas or some mangoes that have orange hues, or some leafy greens that are nice, dark,and green. let’s see, dr. joel fuhrman made up this chart called the andi scoring system.how many people have heard of this? a-n-d-i. it stands for “aggregate nutrient densityindex,†and if you go to any whole foods, they use the andi scoring system. i don’tknow if they’re still doing this, but they used to, and they’d have scores on differentproduce items, different bulk bins and different things in the store. so it rates food on a scale from 0 to 1000and at the 1000, those are the most nutrient-dense
foods on the plant, which are the most caloriesas compared to nutrients. and this is something that i believe. you want to eat the most nutrient-densefood with the least amount of calories, and those are the greens. leafy greens are themost nutrient-dense foods on the plant because they have a lot of phytochemicals and phytonutrientsand vitamins and minerals without the calories. and so the first category would be the leafygreens are the most nutrient dense, then followed by the vegetables, and then followed by thefruits. and then grains and all this stuff are lower on the list. of course, meat isnear the bottom, and processed junk foods are at the bottom. this already tells me rawfoods is a superior diet because this doctor already recommends eating fruits and vegetablesas a primary source and dominant in the diet.
i just happen to make it most of my diet,or almost all my diet. and every different nutrient, there’s discovered and undiscoverednutrients that are so good. there’s iso-thio-cyanates in things like broccoli and cruciferous foodsthat are protective against cancer. these protective compounds are also in theonion and garlic family, and there’s cannabinoids in the cannabis plant that are good for otherthings, and every different food has different phytochemicals and phytonutrients. and we’regoing to talk a little bit more about that, but we really want to go for eating foodsthat are colorful and eating fruits and vegetables and especially the leafy greens. oh, the otherthing that’s also important, too, besides the phytochemicals and phytonutrients arethe trace minerals. this is something that’s
also not really talked about in the raw foodsdiet. we think oh yeah, we just eat fruits and vegetables, we’re gonna get enough mineralsand trace minerals. i drink coconut water, that has a lot of electrolytes and a lot ofminerals in there. well based on my research that i’ve doneand my experimentation on myself, i would not agree with that statement because primarilythe way that foods are being grown today is not how they were grown 100 years ago. mostfarmers, especially conventional farmers, are just putting npk, which is three minerals,fertilizers back into the soil to grow the plants, and they’ve done research on plantsthat plants will grow with three minerals. but we need a lot more than three mineralsto optimally thrive. we can get by on three
minerals or a small amount of minerals thatare in the food that is being grown in commercial agriculture of today, but if we fully wantthe highest level of health, we need to ensure we get the full spectrum of trace mineralsinto us. so that’s why i grow my own food with traceminerals and i also consume other foods such as seaweed and sea vegetables that are grownin the ocean, that the ocean has all the trace minerals because it’s all washed down fromthe earth and it’s all being washed away into the ocean. you also want to focus onthe trace minerals, it’s very important, and the other part of this was, i always wantto encourage you guys to get your nutrients from food sources, rather than vitamin supplements.there’s very few vitamins and supplements
that are necessary on a raw foods diet, butthere are a few if you are not eating properly. for example, in iceland or switzerland, there’snot a lot of sun up there. might be prudent ot take some kind of vitamin d. i would rather go to somewhere where it’ssunny and make my own vitamin d for free, or i’d rather get a light box that putsout the right spectrum of lights so that my body can make my own vitamin d. i’m usingthat apparatus and my body to do that when i’m making the right nutrient, which ishopefully sunlight or secondarily a light box but before, i actually took supplementsto do that. another nutrient i found to be potentially deficient in a raw foods dietis vitamin b12 and so people say take b12
supplements. well, that’s a big complicatedissue and i’m not going to get too much into that today, but in nature, we would getb12 from the bacteria that’s either living in the plants or on the plants as we’reeating them, but with conventional farming and even organic farming, they’re wipingout a lot of bacteria, the specialized bacteria, that makes the b12. that being said, i did find a vegan sourceof b12 based out of a food. it’s called sugavida and they claim to have b12 in their,it’s a sugar made out of the squeezed palm fruit, the palmyra palm, and i have a videoon that. so i’ve been taking for my b12. in addition, another vegan source may be chlorella,if you want to try to get it from a food source.
but if that’s not working for you, i wouldrecommend taking a supplement. but you see the kind of chain i’m trying to go through?i’m trying to go through whole foods first. if that’s not possible, then i’ll jumpdown to some vegan foods, because i would much rather eat some whole vegan foods thaneat a supplement that’s manmade in a factory, so i think everyone should try to do this. instead of going to the supplement and subvertnature, because in nature there is some way we would get b12 and what i’m working withnow and is i’m working on the getting the specific bacteria that make the most amountof b12, because there are different ones, different bacterias, and some make more thanothers. i’m going to make a little powder
that you don’t take but that you will spreadin your garden and they will thrive and they will make b12 all over your garden. and theni’ll be eating that stuff and i’ll get my b12 that way. because that’s how it wouldwork in nature, but because we’ve gotten so far removed from agriculture and disturbingthe soil and how it should be, that’s not happening, so that’s why there’s b12 deficiencynot only in vegans, not only in raw foods, but in the general population. another food that maybe many raw vegans maynot be getting and maybe even vegans is vitamin k2. vitamin k2 is very important for bonedevelopment, amongst other things and you could take a k2 vitamin supplement. or, iwould choose to get my k2, it’s mostly usually
from animals, but the vegan source is knownas natto. and the natto is fermented soybeans, so they take the soybeans and they cook themand then they actually culture them by adding a bacteria. and then the bacteria make vitamink2. i’ve seen many raw foodists with bones that aren’t as strong as they could be andteeth issues, and it has to do with k2 might be missing because other than that we’regetting a lot of the minerals it takes to build bones, provided you’re getting enoughsun. so here on the island, hopefully before ileave, i’ll be able to get over to aloha tofu in honolulu. they have their factorythere, and you could buy the natto for super cheap, so i always like to get some when ableto get it fresh and raw. because most natto
you find on the mainland, it may be at a japanesestore, but it’s been frozen to ship it over, and it’s not the same when it’s been frozen.if you have any questions, please hold them to the end. i’ll have a session at the endfor questions and answers. next thing is, have proper oral hygiene. i like to flossand brush two times a day, and after not seeing a dentist for 16 years, i saw a dentist soi could only say i would recommend seeing a dentist at least once a year, possibly twoyears, and reduce the acid fruits. that’s very important. when i first gotinto raw foods, acid fruits, any kind of citrus that is not optimally ripe, and if you’rebuying citrus at the store, and you’re not picking it yourself, you don’t have yourown trees, it is not optimally ripe. i’m
sorry. i’ve had grapefruits off my treethat have virtually no acid. i’ve had grapefruits from the store that are really acid, and theyreally do a number on your teeth. and if you’re eating really ripe citrus, i don’t thinkthat’s an issue, but everybody else is not really eating ripe citrus, and even thingslike pineapples start to erode your teeth and mess them up over time. so if you’regoing to eat citrus, that’s cool. make sure you rinse right after with baking soda orsomething, and really be prudent on it because myself and me and my friends have been doingthis for a really long time, have had teeth issues. another thing i believed when i started rawfoods was that oh, animals don’t brush their
teeth. i’m a rawfoodist, i’m a naturalite.i don’t need to either. wrong answer. i’ve had some cavities. actually it’s been prettygood. i’ve been pretty lucky. i’ve had some cavities, but i had one root canal andyou do not want to get a root canal. that root canal did not work out so well i’mgoing to get the tooth removed because with a root canal there is just breeding bacteria.it’s a big issue. so this could all be avoided by having proper oral care and what i recommendfor that are two things, i’m going to make a whole vide on all the dental stuff i do,which is a lot, but number one, floss every day! i know brushing’s not enough, and i’mnot a dentist, but floss every day! and i know you guys hate taking the dentalfloss between your fingers, sticking your
fingers in your mouth. it’s so dirty, nasty,and it’s a pain and it hurts your fingers. get one of these guys man! this thing savedmy teeth. it’s called the “reach access flosser.†they have it at target. basicallyit’s like a toothbrush, but they put a little floss thing, just put one on there so youcan go in your mouth. this makes flossing so much easier. you take this flip thing,you put it on there, and you just go right in your mouth. up and down. boom! i just didthe bottom quarter on my mouth. i could’ve done it a little bit better because you definitelywant to go down each side of the tooth and up and then up, but as you guys can see, it’ssuper simple. actually i got some gunk out. but yeah, afterevery meal, you should do that, even after
citrus. after citrus i don’t know if i wouldbrush, but that’s called the “reach access flosser.†i f you don’t know, it’s availablein the us, i don’t know if it’s available around the country. kmart, target, walgreenshas them, and i like to get the ones with the unflavored because they not only havethe flavored refill, which i don’t want to have the flavored stuff in my mouth. anotherthing i recommend is a toothbrush, and once again i’m no dentist, but i’ve learneda whole lot about toothbrushes in the last year. and this is a toothbrush from japan,this is for those of you guys that are fanatical like me. this is solar toothbrush, so it has littlesolar cells in here, and it sends the energy
up to this little thing, and this little thinggenerates little ions that go into your mouth that help dislodge the plaque or so they say.and i believe it, because when i started using this toothbrush, even without using toothpaste,it’ll get your teeth clean. and when i first started using it, it would get my teeth squeakyclean. like wow my teeth are cleaner. you can feel the ridge between the teeth justby using this. and always, always get an extra fine bristles if you can, or at least minimallyfine or soft. very important. that’s all i’m going to say on toothcare on that. i’llhave a video where i get into more detail on some of the other things i do. but minimally, if you don’t remember anythingelse, please brush and flush twice a day.
you’re going to thank me in like 20 yearswhen you don’t have any cavities or lose some of your teeth like even some of the rawfoodists here. especially for you new guys, because i know there’s a lot of new guyshere, and one of the things i first did when i first started getting into the raw foodsdiet, if you’re not familiar with the amount of food that you will need to eat, so i recommendkeeping a food diary. now this may sound kind of corny or whatever, but basically you keeptrack of what you eat. you not only keep track of what you eat, but you can also denote howyou felt after you ate certain foods. we all may have food allergies to differentfoods, or maybe pesticides or contamination on a food that you may be allergic, but youwill never know this unless you have it written
down and you know what you ate and how youfelt afterwards. this is tremendous for you in able to pinpoint things that are goingon, if things are or not digesting well. maybe you’re allergic to oranges, or maybe orangesthat are acidic, because you wrote down, “i had acidic oranges,†and maybe had upsetstomach or whatever, and so write this down so you won’t repeat the same mistake, becauseif you continually do something that’s not good for you, it’s going to cause big problems.i had a friend, he had some health situation and he was told by somebody or decided uponhimself to go on an orange juice fast, and he had really bad hurting pains in his intestinesor something, and he was like “i just need more orange juice and it will fix it.
more orange juice will fix it.†but finallyit was so bad he ended up going to the doctor and he figured out that the orange juice wasinflating his intestines when he was supposed to be healing it, but he wasn’t. and soi always like to believe listen to your body, it’ll tell you. if you eat something andit gives you a stomachache, then maybe that’s not the best thing to eat. you might wantto try something different. also, especially when you’re new to keeping a food journalor diary, you can go to fitday.com or chronometter.com and you can type in what you ate that dayto see the breakdown of calories, fats, and proteins and carbs and all that, if that’simportant to you, but also to see how many calories, because one of the things i seea lot is people just don’ teat enough calories.
they think they can get away with eating twooranges for a meal and that’s it. yeah, if you’re sedentary sitting by a computerall day, you might be able to get away with that, but you’re probably going to needa little bit more food than two oranges for a meal. number six, this one is going to geta lot of people, and i want to thank this lady named jasmine klower, where i learnedmany things from when i got into raw foods. she had lost her life because she was livingin a house near some trees, and the tree came over in the wind or a storm and it crushedher, so she taught me to clear the trees by her house, but also she taught me about squatting.so squatting for eliminations, if you’re asian, some of the people from the asian countries,that’s how they go to the bathroom. i can
demonstrate her, you just sit down and yousquat. there’s a hole right there. for those ofyou who have been to foreign countries, that’s what you do, but in america we sit because,i don’t know, we’re so civilized or something, but this is a really poor position becausethat actually kinks your intestine so you don’t get a good flow out there. if youlook at any animal, like if you look at my little dog, his name is oakley, he’s socute. he’ll walk around and be like dododododo and he’ll squat and you see him squat becausehe’s getting his bowels all lined up there and it flows out pretty good. and so squattingis essential, whether you want to stand on the toilet and squat, like this, but standingon the toilet, be careful because you fan
actually fall out and it’s quite dangerous.they do make squatting stools, it’s called a squatty potty, and there’s a number ofother ones. or you can use, i’ll demonstrate on thischair for you guys. see this is the toilet right here, and you would sit on the toiletand then to squat on the toilet without standing on it and having to balance, you would basicallyboost up your legs. so if you use some foam book or whatever and boost up your legs, andthen you try to lean forward. so your legs would be up here and you would lean forward,so now you’re making that squat position even though you’re still sitting on thetoilet. it’d be better if i had one of those things to boost my legs up because it’shard to lift them up, but yeah, so that way
your bowels are in the right position so youcan get the full elimination and also feel better, too since you can get all those toxinsout of you. i highly recommend and encourage squattingfor elimination. super important and that’s another thing that’s not talked about. ido have a video on squatting that’s in a bathroom if you want to learn more about iton okraw.com. number seven, this is also really important. increase your leafy vegetable intake,as well as vegetable intake. my goal every day is to eat two pounds of leafy greens aday and supersize your leafy green and vegetable intake by juicing. i haven’t seen too manylong-term fruitarians who only eat fruit, so once again, the greens are the most nutrient-densefoods on the planet, we want to eat them.
they have a lot of amazing phytochemicalsand phytonutrients that are very protective for us. also, as much as i love fruit, as i move onand get more mature in my raw foods diet and eating, i’m finding that vegetables arecritically important and essential for health. i know a lot of people may believe that fruitsare the best and everything and yes, fruits are great, but we cannot neglect the vegetables.they are lower in calories, so to get more of them i like to eat two pounds of them aday, and two pounds of leafy greens is about 200 calories. one pound of fruit is about300 calories. to eat two pounds of leafy greens, that would be two huge salads. i don’t necessarilydo that. i may eat one pound of greens at
night for my salad, but i like to take a poundof greens and just put it through the juice, because one pound of greens through the juicergives you about one cup of juice, a whole bunch of pulp that i compost, you can feedit to your worms. so i have really the nutrients from the juicein a more digestible, assimilatable format for me. and i’m getting all the nutrientsout of it. of course you can also blend greens to enable you to eat them faster. i also wantto encourage you guys to eat vegetables. i know a lot of people eat fruits, but vegetablesare also very important besides the leafy greens. they’re really rich in mineralsand have some nutrients that the fruits do not, and it’s really about finding yourbalance on how much you need to eat, but once
again, try to focus on leafy greens and thevegetables in the long run, to be successful in the long-term, i think that’s the mostprudent thing to do. the only successful long-term fruitarians i’ve seen are the ones thatgrow their own food in mineral-dense soil, and if you’re buying a lot of fruit fromthe store and expect to be successful long-term, good luck. let’s see. number eight: get proper restand sleep every night. rid yourself o alarm clocks and watches if you are able. so that’sa pretty strong statement. one of the things that i like to live my life by, and even beforei got into raw foods, was i liked to get the proper amount of sleep. and i don’t knowif i need five hours, eight hours, seven hours,
two hours, consciously, but unconsciouslymy body does. so the rule that i like to live my life by is i go to bed when i’m tiredand i wake up whenever i wan to wake up. when m body wakes me up, that’s when i’m readyto get up, because this is the only way you’ll be guaranteed to get enough sleep. becauseif you wake up with that alarm clock, if you said like, “i’m going to go to bed at10 o’clock because that’s my bedtime.†i don’t know, maybe you’re not tired,maybe you’re overtired. i try to listen to my body for when i need to sleep and i’veset up my life so that i can go to bed when i’m tired and wake up when i need to wakeup, whenever i want to wake up, unless i have a flight that i really need to get to thenext day. also i don’t wear a watch, and
i don’t like to be constantly a clock watcher.i’m not at my job like when is the day going to be over so i can go home? just being tooconcerned with the time ages you prematurely because it’s creating excess stress andworry, so if you can set your life up so that you don’t need to worry about the time orthe clock. i don’t know what time it is and i don’treally care. enjoying life and living in the moment, actually. that should’ve been anotherthing in there. live in the moment. don’t think about the past, because you can’tchange the past. don’t dwell too much upon the future. number nine, super important:focus on water-rich fruits and vegetables as the basis of your diet that are preparedat home. so, once again, the basis of my diet
as is any successful raw foods diet shouldbe fruits and vegetables, not these gourmet raw food chocolate bars, not these dry packagedgranola things. not even prepared raw foods out of a restaurant, because a lot of theplaces are doing pretty high fat and adding a lot of additives to their recipes that aren’tnecessarily good. also prepare them at home so you know howyou’re preparing and what you’re putting in them so they have your specific touch andingredients that you like to add that you feel your body may need. number ten, thisis very important, especially when i was first new into, like many of you guys are today,you want to live by example and not preach or share your diet, unless you have sincereinterest from others. because what we’re
doing in here, we’re like extremely differentfrom the mainstream, and i know i was excited about it too when i first got into raw foods,and i wanted to tell everybody, even my parents, the people i love the most, i wanted themto know because they could save their life, they could be healthier, but don’t shareit. you’re going to do yourself a favor becauseyou’re just going to run up into roadblocks, because this is so different and new to them,they’re not going to believe you, and then you’re going to have to argue with them,and then they’re going to hate you, like my girlfriend’s going through right now.we were just talking on the phone. she said, “john i’m so different form my familynow.†i’m like, “it’s alright honey,
just keep doing what you’re doing and trynot to share. just talk about other things. focus on other things besides the diet, unlessthey have a sincere interest.†whether that’s your friends, your family, and just live byexample. one year at thanksgiving, i went to my cousin’s house, and there was allthis raw food, and this was my second year, and i brought a nice big salad to share witheverybody and there’s like dead turkey on there. and i made some comments about dead turkeycarcass on the family and how bad meat was, and that was not appropriate. i was tryingto help people, but it just was pissing them off. just be quiet and have fun, do what you’redoing. my parents would try to convert out
of eating raw foods because it was so weird.my mom’s a librarian, she would email me research articles on why eating all plantsand stuff is not healthy, and i just didn’t listen to nothing and continued doing whati was doing and it probably took about a good 10, 12 years but finally they were like wow,look at john, and look at jim, who’s my brother, two years younger, and look at thedifferences in their health. john barely gets sick, jim’s always sick with colds, this,that. jim’s like overweight and extra heavy and needed glasses and can’t see now andjohn doesn’t need glasses and he’s a good weight. finally they came around and finally i gotthem eating more plants and more raw foods
and i got my dad to do a 30-day water fastand he went pretty much all vegan after that. more recently my mom had some health issues,so i got her to do a juice fast, and now they’re more committed more than ever. they’re stillnot all the way where i am. they probably won’t be, but i’m glad that they’reeating more fruits and vegetables, but this took many, many, many years to happen, andit will happen to your friends and loved ones, if you’re just a role model and they seewhat you’re doing. they’re going to ask you when they’re ready, so you should notshare that because it’s just going to create animosity and headaches for you. literally try to keep your diet a secret frompeople. if they want to be supportive, they’ll
support you. that’s that. number eleven:find a community for support. this is very important. when i first went raw, i founda local raw foods, living foods support group in san francisco. i would go like every monthfor meetings. this was back in 1995, when it wasn’t even that popular. nowadays withall these meet up groups and all this kind of stuff, there’s a lot more groups forraw foods and people into a fruit and vegetable-based diet. coming to things like woodstock, it’sgreat. you can find a community online or in person. community’s very important for support becauseif you can meet somebody face to face that’s doing what you’re doing, especially somebody’sthat’s been doing it longer, there’s always
somebody at the group, most of the time, that’sbeen doing it for 20 years, that’s more experienced than you, that can share tips,like i’m sharing with you guys mine. and if you want more tips, once again, i havemy website listed, okraw.com is my website where i have over 450 videos where i’m sharingother tips and getting more into some of these specific tips. let’s see, number twelve,this is super important. have a really compelling reason why you’re doing this. my compellingreason to do this diet was because i almost lost my life and it’s my belief and forthe first many years, i lived on sheer willpower of not wanting that pizza that smelled goodor the cookies or whatever because in my head it was like okay john, you can eat the pizza,you can eat the cookies, but what are the
consequences? the consequences can be, or probably are,you’ll end up in the hospital again, and you might lose your life. that’s not fun.i don’t want to do that, so i just stuck with the diet through sheer willpower. theymight not be able to do that, they might give into their willpower. for me it was literallylife or not life, so it was a little bit more serious. for most people, they may just wantto lose some weight, they may just wan tot be healthy. it’s not like life or not life,but whatever your reason, have a really strong reason. you can even put that on the mirrorwhen you wake up in the morning and you’re doing your hair so you can see your reason,and that will keep you motivated to some extent.
number thirteen: be glad and focused on thepositives in life. this is really important. there’s so many pessimists out there, andi know it’s easy to say be positive in life, and for many people, it really is difficult.i’m not one of those people that teaches about being positive and stuff, but i willtell you that it is really important. you want to have an “i can†attitude,and as you know, you are what you eat, but you become what you think about, right? andso think happy thoughts, think good thoughts, be glad about life and that you’re livingtoday. living in gratitude. super important. i won’t really get much into that, but that’staken a long time for me to be more positive. one of the things i like to think about ishow a situation can benefit you. so for example,
one of the situations that was a little bitmore challenging for me to think about how it could benefit me was the day before thisevent, before i flew out to hawaii, i had harvested like a four foot by eight foot bedof chinese napa cabbage, a whole bunch of lettuce. i got out of the garden, finishedgardening by like midnight in las vegas. i had a headlamp on, i had lights out. but i brought all this stuff in, i’d beenup since 7o’clock, am, working and i needed to process the cabbage and maybe i was goingto make some sauerkraut. i got this really nice ceramic crockpot handmade, one of a kind,nice and different colors from this guy in the vista farmers in california, and it helda lot. i was going to put all the napa cabbage
chopped up and put it in the fermentationcrock, which he sells for at least $100 or something. and i’m carrying it over to washfor the first time and my hands were a little bit wet because i was washing my cabbage,and it slipped out of my hand, and this fermentation crock that i was going to use to ferment allmy cabbage was now on the ground in pieces that i couldn’t replace because it was oneof a kind and also a gift. and i’m like, wow, now i got all this cabbage,and i said a bad word at first. like okay john, how could this benefit you? you gotto always ask yourself a better question. like well, maybe i wasn’t supposed to usethat crockpot and maybe not i have the ability to figure out how i’m going to ferment allthis stuff without a crockpot. so then i have
these half-gallon mason jars and i go well,we could just ferment in mason jars to see how that works. so i cleaned that up, threwit away, and fermented in mason jars instead. but always try to look for a reason why asituation could benefit you. oh, i missed my airplane. oh, i missed thatturn on the freeway. i’ve missed plenty of turns on the freeway and let me tell you,i’ve found plenty of farmers’ markets and natural food stores with good fruits becausei’ve missed turns, so it’s all how you look at things, right? it’s very important.that’s super important. this is very important. i’ll have a little demo. eat the highestquality, most vibrant, freshly picked food that will spoil, organic, mineral-rich, fresh,and i’m going to do a bricks test. this
is also something not often talked about inraw foods, that we want to eat the highest-quality food. now, we already know we’re eatingfruits and vegetables, which i said before are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet,but how can you make the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet better? well by eating better quality of what you’reeating, and based on my research of traditional standard agriculture and even organic agriculture,they’re not doing it the best way possible, to grow the most nutrient-dense or the mostantioxidant-, phytochemical-rich foods. they’re literally growing for the pounds. everythingis sold, for the most part, by the pound in the grocery store, and so more the farmercan produce, the more money he’s going to
make. that’s what they’re going to focus.they might focus on making three oranges. they might taste like shit, or big tomatoesthat might taste like nothing, but they’re bigger so they’re going to sell better. and so, i wish the whole industrial agriculturesystem was founded on selling things based on quality and in japan, they do do this.you can buy one fig for $100, but it’s the best fig you’ve ever eaten. that’s probablyexpensive, but at least they’re kind of moving in that direction. they value high-qualitystuff. good quality cars or whatever. but unfortunately, this is not the case in america.farmers are growing foods to make a buck, and they’re just trying to make a livinglike everybody else. even at the farmers’
market, you have the option of selecting fromdifferent farmers. like for example, when i first go there, i went to a farmers’ market,and there were two sellers selling the longan, they’re the little fruits. so i went to both of them and sampled theboth of them, and you could tell your taste buds are the best indicator of the nutrients.the better they taste to you, in general, the more nutrition it has. so i got the longansfrom the guy that had the better-tasting ones, and they were really good. now, if you don’ttrust your taste buds and are into nuance, or you like scientific confirmation like ido, you can get something like this. this is actually called the bricks meter, it’san affordable refractometer, 0 to 32, and
what this allows you to do, and we’ll passit around for everybody. this will allow you to check any fruit orvegetable. you’ll need their juice. you may have some difficulty getting their juice.you may need a garlic press if you’re somewhere. with fruits it’s really easy. we’re justgoing to cut this. this is a honey tangerine, we’re going to cut this and we’re goingto squeeze this out, some of the juice on the refractometer, and we’re going to putthe top down and we’re going to look at this. and then what you’re going to lookat, i’m going to send this around so you could see it, you’re going to see a whitearea and it’s going to go up to a blue area. so this is reading at about a 14.
so we’ll send that around to everybody.how do you know what a 14 is? so you go to this handy dandy refractometer manual withthe values. so this has a lot of different common fruits and vegetables rated and forexample, apples, if they’re poor apples, they’d be a 6. for average apples they’dbe a 10. good apples maybe a 14. excellent apples are 18. so in this way, if you tookthis meter for example to whole foods, which by their company policy, if you request asample of a fruit or a vegetable, or even something in their deli counter, which i dofor my dog, they have to give it to you. so you could go in there and say, “hey i wanta sample of those apples. i’m thinking of buying.†you could sample it, eat some,and put it on the bricks meter and see where
the apple’s out. i don’t do that at whole foods and sampleone of every apple, but you could do that, though they might say something. then youcould find the highest bricks apple and you could taste it and it’d be the sweetestone. but at least this will give you a sense of what the fruit quality is on a scale — poor,average, good, excellent. and unfortunately most of the foods that i’ve checked areusually in the average maybe good and there’s some that are excellent, but that’s prettyrare to find, unfortunately. let’s see here. those were the tangerines. unfortunately tangerineson not on this list, but oranges are. poor orange is a 6, average orange is 10, a goodorange is 16. an excellent orange is 20. so
this one was 14, which is a little below good.after everybody see that, i’m going to check the other tangerines that we have and seewhere that is at. but by simply checking the produce, you can assure that you’re goingto get higher quality and besides just the number which mostly shows the sugar content.the other thing that you guys know now to look for is right at the demarcation linewhere it goes from white to the blue color, it’ll be like black and white, like go fromall white to the blue color. just clear differentiation. or it’ll be like white then it’ll getcloudy and fuzzy and then go to the other color. so what we really want to look forwhen we’re buying vegetables, you really want to look for that cloudiness, insteadof that black and white. the cloudiness means
that there’s more dissolved solids, likethe minerals and stuff, so that’s a more nutritious fruit than one that doesn’t havethe cloudy part. so the example in the back of this brochurehere is they tested store-bought grocery beans, or green beans, and they tested the brix fromstore bought. the store-bought was 4.2 and the taste was garbage, and this is home-pickedbeans that weren’t even at their peak optimal ripeness, there was a problem while they wereharvesting and gardening, but the brix was 6.1 and the taste was decent. so i mean literallyby growing your own food you can have higher quality food and that’s just the brix, butif we then check the nutritional quality to compare the two, something like the calciumwas twice as much in the garden beans. the
potassium was over twice as much. the proteinwas almost twice as much, so even in the same amount of garden beans, you can get twicethe amount of protein. once again, more nutrients, less caloriesby having higher quality food and this way we can eat less to promote more longevity.also get more of the minerals and phytochemicals that we really need without all the excesscalories. super important. try to eat the highest quality source, the best stuff youcan get and grow your own. number 15: grow your own and grow beyond organic with traceminerals and microbes. see growingyourgreens.com. so that’s an ad for my youtube channel.i have over 1,050 videos. i have over 210,000 subscribers right now and i’ve been viewedover 30 million times. i basically teach the
culmination of what i’ve learned in rawfoods, which is to be the healthiest you want to be, you need to be growing your own foodbecause if you’re leaving it up to stores, to farmers, they’re not doing it. you can hope and wish they’ll do it, andsome farmers are slowly incorporating some of the practices that i would do, but i’venever had a store-bought food that tasted better than some of the stuff i’ve grownin the garden. to have the highest level of nutrients. and if we lived in the garden ofeden, or we lived 1,000 years ago, there’d be more wild foods growing, we’d be eatingmore wild foods and it’d be more nutritious just because we haven’t messed with thesoil, we haven’t bulldozed, we haven’t
tilled, we haven’t done all these crazythings to the earth. and if you think about, when they’re farming, right when they cleara rainforest, which i actually do not agree with the practice of clearing rainforeststo grow food and unfortunately most of the food is not fruits and vegetables for us butoil or grain products for cattle feeding or animals. they clear the forest out and then they havea whole really rich fertile land because that soil’s been built by the forest over theyears, the farmers go into plant whatever they’re going to plant there, and then theyget incredible yields for that couple of years until that land is depleted. and meanwhilethey’re pulling out bushels and bushels,
and a bushel is i don’t know, how many poundsof corn or whatever agricultural commodity they’re pulling out, they’re pulling outa ton of product from that but they’re also pulling out the nutrients, they’re strippingthe soil. it’s like strip money, they’re stripping out the soil, and then they thinkthey can just bring back like a pallet of these nutrients in a bag to put back intothe soil, all the stuff that they took, and a bag is not going to compensate for all thenutrients and the biodiversity and the microbes in the soil that were in the soil. and most farmers do not put back as leastas much as what they’re taking out with their crops. my goal is to put back more intomy soil than what i’m taking out after every
season, to give my plants whatever they wantto absorb, because i’m not a master botanist or biologist, but basically you need to giveback generously to the earth and let the earth figure it out. i’m not really going to getmore in it about that other than add trace minerals such as rock dust, rock powders,and also sea solutions and ocean solids to add 70 to 90 trace minerals back into whateveryou’re growing so that you’ll have more nutritious food than what standard agriculture’sdoing with mostly three minerals and sometimes standard agriculture will go up to 16. number 16: get proper exercise and movementin your life, whatever that may be. i think i saw tim sheep over here, he might have tookoff. he likes to get into all these crazy
exercise videos and that’s great. you couldlike running, you could like, i don’t know, rock climbing, rollerblading, ice skating,hockey, gardening, yoga, whatever it is. i’m not a big fan of gyms because i’d ratherbe able to check off two of my things at one time like i could be out in the sun and gardenand get exercise and get movement. i like to multitask, but whatever you enjoy. it’svery important, every day get off your ass at your computer and do whatever you enjoy.outside would be best. and i can grow my food in my garden, too. number 17, as i’m a littledehydrated right now: stay hydrated. super important. dehydration can cause many healthchallenges just in itself and it’s very important to stay hydrated. my goal to gethydrated is not through any bottled water
or even spring water. i like to get naturallystructured water from the plants. my favorite source of water is coconut water,so i’m glad to have that here while i’m in the islands, because that’s nature’spurified water. the coconut palm absorbs all the water from the earth, and many coconutpalms live by the sea so it literally filters a lot of ocean water, takes it up, and putsit in a nut in a more absorbable state for the minerals for us. and if i can’t getmy coconut water, then i like to juice celery and cucumber, which are once again nature’sstructured water in the form of a juice. and then of course i do drink regular water. ifyou are drinking regular water, all water is not the same. i definitely recommend somefiltration to take out some of the things
that are now in the waters — contamination,fluoride, chlorine, and all this kind of stuff. but yeah, always try to get structured waterwhenever you can from water-rich foods. and i do find that the more fresh fruits and vegetables,especially juices and smoothies, i drink, i tend to drink less water. so in general,in a day, when i’m traveling or i’m back in my home city of las vegas where it’svery dry and arid, in las vegas i like to drink 32 ounces upon awakening and 32 ouncesbefore i go to bed because literally just being in las vegas, you’re dehydrated becauseit’s so dry, the water’s being pulled out of you while you sleep. and i would findthat if i didn’t drink water before i went to bed, i’d be really dehydrated in themorning and it’s not good to live in a constant
state of dehydration. it can cause healthissues. so when i go to bed, before, and when i wake up, 32 ounces, and other than that,i drink maybe 16 ounces before bed and when i wake up in the morning, other places i seemto be alright, but that’s just me. and during the day i get water from foods to get allthe water and hydration i need from my foods. number 18, super important: love yourself,like yourself, accept yourself as you are today. and listen to your intuition. i won’tgo into that too much but basically, you have to like yourself, love yourself where you’reat and value yourself because otherwise you’re not going to want to make the changes thatyou do in life. number 19 might strike a lot of people as odd, but it’s eat cannabis!and other raw plant foods you haven’t been
eating. the main message is eat diverselybut i thought the cannabis would get your attention. but yeah, i started eating cannabisin its raw form because it’s a nutrient that i wasn’t getting and in its raw formit is said that it cannot get you high or have any psychoactive effects, which has beenmostly true for me, except i discovered a recipe unfortunately that did make me high,which i did not want. it was not cool, because once i got high,i just really didn’t like the feeling and i just wanted to be back to my normal feelingof being high on life, high on fruits and vegetables without having some kind of stimulantor weird thinking stuff. but i will have a video on 4/20 on how to get high on cannabisraw. for those of you guys that want to do
that, and for those of you guys that wantto avoid doing that. but, anyway, eat a diversity of fruits and vegetable. so what i’m goingto do is send around a few things i’ve been eating while i’ve been in hawaii. theseare a few things on here. the green one, this is actually a sea vegetable. i’m sorry,this is a land vegetable known as sea asparagus. it grows on the land, it’s also known assalicornia or a sea bean. some whole foods will sell them. on the mainlandthere’s like $10, $15 a pound sometimes. the next two we have are actually sea vegetables.this one is known as ogo. it’s a special sea vegetable that you can only pretty muchget in hawaii, maybe other tropical countries around the world, and these are fresh, notdried or rehydrated. and these are farmed
so they’re not from the ocean, they’renot contaminated. so this is a crunchy kind ogo, and this is the soft kind, the chew kindogo. and once again, these are grown with some ocean water and so these have more ofthe trace minerals that tend to be deficient in your diet if you’re not eating thingswith high mineral content. so i like to flood my body with as much trace minerals as i can,minerals in a plant-based form, not minerals in a centrum supplement, or animal productsyour body for the most part can’t absorb too much of. if your body doesn’t need it, it will justsend it out the other side. so i like to eat also seasonally and locally when i travel,so i get a wide spectrum of nutrients. grab
a little bit of this stuff and pass it around.hopefully i have enough so everybody can try it, but yeah for me, some of these things,i don’t know about you guys, but for me, some of the dinners here are a little bitbland. i make things taste better at home and i think people are thinking this dietis austere or something, so you got to enjoy it. i haven’t been really enjoying the dinners,but if you add some of this stuff to the dinners, like oh my god i’m totally happy. and it’sjust because the food that we’re eating, at least for me anyway, is not lighting meup. it’s not making me happy. the food that you eat should be making you happy, and ifit’s not, then is there something wrong with you or is there something wrong withthe food and once again, if we’re eating
food out of the grocery store, they’re notputting the nutrients back in. if i was at home and i was picking lettuceout of my garden, it’s much more flavorful. things out of my garden are much more flavorfuland they taste way better and they’re higher up on the brix and they have that clivinessand they light me up more and i actually have to eat less, because it is more nutritious.so yeah, eat diversity, whether that’s cannabis leaves, whether that’s ashitaba or kokum,things i grow. i really scour the internet on my travels to find different plants thatare not commonly eaten or available in the supermarket and really a lot of growers aren’teven growing a lot of the plants that i’m growing. if you want to eat them to get thephytonutrients in you, to get the different
taste sensations in you, you have to growthem yourself because once again, my ultimate goal in my raw foods diet is 100 percent health,not 100 percent raw, although i have been 99.999 percent raw. now how many gardeners are in here? how manypeople grow their own food? alright, cool, so there’s a couple. so i have some of myashitaba seeds that i will hand out, just a few random people here. so this is one ofmy favorite healing foods in the whole wide world. it doesn’t look like much in here,but you can look up my video on youtube on the ashitaba. its from hashijo island in japan,and when you cut this plant, like if you cut yourself you bleed red, if you cut this plantit will bleed yellow. it’s quite odd because
a lot of plants they maybe bleed white, likelettuce. this plant bleeds yellow, which is known as chalcone, and it has a lot of phytochemicalsand phytonutrients and antioxidants, and they’ve done research with cancer and ashitaba anda lot of different conditions. the ashitaba, it’s so good, i mean that’ssomething money can’t buy, so i try to diversify and eat a wide variety of foods and i’malways discovering new foods. and as i discover them, i grow them so i can eat them and gettheir benefits because the fact of the matter is clear: the nutrient you need the most isthe nutrient that you’re not getting. if you’re not getting the ashitaba, maybe there’sa nutrient that’s going to protect you against cancer or some of those tv shows where it’sthe last man on the earth and the dude was
immune and he’s the last guy on earth. iwas watching that series and it was kind of fun, but what if these plants and these combinationsi eat make me just a little bit healthier than the next guy you know? i was talking to somebody today who was swimmingin the ocean and he’s swimming with some guys who are bigger than him, and they wereconcerned about the sharks. i guess the guy said basically if the sharks come to eat me,all i need to do is swim a little bit faster than you or be a smaller target. so the guycould get away. so i don’t want to be a target for cancer or another disease becausei’m going to have all these phytochemicals and phytonutrients in me, hopefully that’sgoing to prevent me from getting sick. i rarely
get sick. prevented from getting any of thesecrazy diseases, because i’ve met plenty of raw foodists that are no longer with usbecause they did get cancer. now, just because you’re raw foodist, that’snot a panacea, that does not make you immune to cancer or anything else, but you can dothings as a raw foodist to ensure you have a higher probability of not getting canceror other disease, once again, by eating a phytonutrient-rich, plant-based diet. andeating new, diversity and varieties of food. so aside from growing your own, it’s reallyimportant because you’re really not going to get the diversity of foods in nature. anotherthing i can recommend is learning about the wild leaves and the wild foods where you liveand once again don’t pick any wild food
and eat it unless you 100 percent, or 110percent know that it is edible, because this will give you access to different nutrientsthat you’re not eating that are available at your grocery store, so that’s a freeway to do it, even without a garden. you could also grow food inside as microgreensor sprouts. that’s another excellent way. of course, if you want to get something likeashitaba and you can’t grow it, you can actually get it in a powder form at a healthfood store. now it is quite expensive and that’s where i learned about ashitaba, wheni go to the health food industry shows where they sell all these different powders in jarsand try to sell you stuff, and i’m like well why should i take that stuff in a jarif i can do better than a jar? i can get the
seeds and grow and eat the live plant man.and so that’s what i try to do, but it might just be advantageous to eat, if you’re reallyinto this, to buy some of the different foods to get them into you. number 20 is partake in conscious eating.this is super important. i learned this from a san francisco living with raw foods groupliterally 20 years ago where every raw foods group meeting was a potluck. we would go there,set our food out, we would talk amongst us, we would get our food, and spend 10 minuteseating our food, they would ring a bell. “okay, it’s conscious eating time! everyone pleasebe quiet and be with your food! smell your food! sniff your food! be present with yourfood and eat it and don’t talk to anybody.â€
there was this one lady who would always talk,so don’t be here, but everybody else learned about more conscious eating and paid attentionto their food and being with their food and enjoying every mouthful and more importantly,chewing every mouthful to a mush. this is why we give baby food to babies, becausethey don’t have teeth and they can’t chew their food to mush. so many people i see ona raw foods diet, as evidenced by going to the bathroom after them, there’s big chunksof stuff left that are not getting digested. so, if you don’t chew your food into themush, your body can’t assimilate it. so that’s why i like to juice to get it intoa more absorbable format. of course blending will also do that, while blending will dothat, it also tends to oxidize a lot of the
phytonutrients and phytochemicals. so that’swhy i prefer juicing over blending, but if blending’s going to allow you to get a betteruptake, that’s fine. just don’t overblend. but yeah, try to have no or minimal distractions.chew your food to a much before swallowing. sometimes my big salads at night for dinnermay take me an hour, an hour and a half to eat, and i know many people may not have thatkind of time. so then i might recommend like a blended salad. that’s been something veryimportant to me, because if we’re putting good food in and you’re not getting maximummutilation and absorption out of the food, then what good is it anyway? now we’re doneto the extra tips, so this is the extra credit because i came up with more than 20 things.live with gratitude, right? this is very important.
there’s this whole happy gratitude in thesan francisco bay area and it’s the whole concept of being grateful for what you have.so many people, especially the younger generation, they expect things to happen to them insteadof being grateful for what they have, and this is not really going to make the worlda better place by always expecting things and try to have an easy life and have everythingcome to you. instead be grateful for the things you have.so one of the games that i like to play with myself when i’m not having the best dayor something’s not going right, i’m like okay john, and sometimes i talk to myselfso if you see me over there i’m just talking to myself, don’t worry. we all do that.you can start talking back to me, but i don’t
know if i’ll answer you. i’ll go okayjohn, what are five things you’re grateful for? and then i try as fast as i can comeup with them, five things i’m grateful for. so what am i grateful for now? well i’mglad for waking up this morning, because some people did not. i’m glad i’m having somefresh coconut. i’m glad for sugarcane juice. i’m glad i got invited to a farm that i’mgoing to get to go out to later, check out some cool permaculture farm, and i’m gladi’m able to share this talk with everybody. so i mean, just come up with five things andif you do this on a daily basis, you’re going to train your brain, much like we needto learn and train how to write the english language, or whatever language you do. themore you think about what you’re grateful
for, the more you’re going to live it andembody that. that’s all. the next extra tip is it’s not about 100 percent raw or100 percent cooked. and you create your own rules and can make your own rules to win insteadof lose. the main message i want to give to everybody is eat more fruits and vegetables,because i know some people are like oh i’m going to go on a raw foods diet. i know alot of you tried to do that. i’m going to be 100 percent raw! like some magical thingis supposed to happen to it. it doesn’t, i’ll tell you that. we’re all human, we all slip up at somepoint. we’ll all eat something and then you eat a cookie or something and then insteadof just eating one cookie, it’s oh i messed
up. i’ll eat more cookies because i alreadymessed up. screw it! and so, that’s when you’re setting up your game. your game is100 percent raw or i fail, right? why not set up a game where my game to be successfulis if i eat one extra fruit a day, this is like baby steps if you’re a beginner, ifi eat just one extra fruit day, i’m a success! celebrate success instead of failures in yourgame and you will succeed. today i’m going to eat two extra fruits! everybody can dothat. i’m going to eat one extra leaf of lettuce! come on, that’s really easy, butyou get my point. set up the game so i’m going to eat rawall day and then for dinner i’ll have steamed lentils or rice at night. just set your gameup so you can win. i’m going to exclude
processed foods or i’m going to exclude80 percent of raw foods and i’m only going to allow myself one processed food that’svegan at the end of the week if i’ve done all this. just set it up so easy so that youwin and keep making it a little bit harder. super important because i’ve seen peopletry to go 100 percent raw. they don’t make it, then they say the raw food diet doesn’twork or something because they didn’t have the willpower. most people don’t have willpower. once again,an inch is a cinch, but a yard it’s hard. you can set up your own rules for you ownlife, whether that’s in food or in gardening or in whatever you’re doing. this is important,number three, for extra tips is question everything.
even if i’m saying something, don’t believeme just because i’m saying it because there are many people out there telling you stuffthat may or may not be true. but check it out. do some research about some of the thingsthat i say. i think most of the things i say are pretty spot on personally, but i don’tget everything right either. and as i learn new things, i will tell people hey i was wrong.i said you can’t get high from raw cannabis. i learned that was incorrect. so now i’mcorrecting myself. but learn because i was taught from all thedoctors and medical doctors that do raw cannabis you can’t get high, so that’s what i thought,but i felt different. but anyway, so learn to do your own research on what people tellyou. once again, when you eat a raw food diet,
experiment on yourself. try it and see whatworks, and i want everybody to think outside the box. we’re all taught to think insidethe box and think of things from this perspective, but what if we stepped outside the box andlooked at things just a little bit differently? it would be a better solution. and this is how technological advances andadvances happen. if i didn’t think about how i could juice cannabis to get a higheruptake of phytonutrients and phytochemicals in there, i wouldn’t have discovered howto successfully get high off raw cannabis, not that i want to do that, but now i knowhow not to do that. i’m sure a lot of people will be really curious on how to do that becausea lot of people that smoke, i would rather
have them use their juicers and blenders toeat more fruits and vegetables to get high on cannabis for 10 hours instead of smokingit many times a day and mess up their lungs. and they get other beneficial properties inthe juiced cannabis they wouldn’t get when they inhale when smoking. and also i was juicing just leaves of thecannabis plant. most of the time you have to grow the plant out to get the little budsto get to smoke them. now what if you could just grow it to the leaf stage, get the leaves,and go out of your mind, if that’s what you want to do? so that’s kind of like thinkingout of the box. number four: live a peace-filled life. very important. this is opposite ofa stress-filled life. and i want you guys
to focus on what you want, instead of whatyou don’t want. instead of “i want to lose weight,†or “i don’t want to befat,†how about “i want to be skinny.†they mean the same thing but the way you sayit means a lot. and try to have, instead of a stressful life, try to have a peaceful lifewithout stress. and do what i want to do and have my own timeto do what i want and not have too many time constraints so that i have to be there atthis time. that’s just what i like because once again, stress in your life can causedisease and many challenges in your body and wreck your system. we are fight or flightcreatures, and many people in our society today are always in the fight mode or flightmode or whatever, because it’s like we’re
being chased by a tiger, and that’s a goodtime to be stressed out because you gotta get the adrenaline, you gotta get running,but when everybody’s stressed out because their boss is pissed off at them, your wifeis mad at you, whatever. like my dad, he’s always stressed out becausemy mom is always yelling at him, which really sucks for him. but he chooses that life. themore stress, you can get more cortisol, which means more belly fat, which means a wholebunch of other stuff, and you’re not going to be as healthy as you could if you weren’tstressed out. so one of my challenges right now is trying to get my girlfriend to livea more peaceful, stress-free life. number five extra tip, this is super critical, superimportant. get an annual blood test and know
where you’re at. hopefully you guys, ifyou own a car, you’re taking it to get regular oil changes and the mechanic will check itout to make sure it’s running alright so you don’t have major blowouts on the freeway. but i think everybody, especially that’sraw or vegan or even just vegan that’s doing this, which is so different than what societydoes, get an annual blood test to check in. oh i’m eating fruits and vegetables i’llbe fine. well, that may be true, but you don’t know unless you can verify. one of the waysis to do a blood test and the blood test is not obviously going to show you everything,but it’s going to at least give you some insight on where you’re at if you are eatinga healthy diet. if not, you can make adjustments
and corrections to get to be as healthy asyou can be if that is your goal. now besides getting an annual blood test,what’s very important, once you do get the blood test, is get it interpreted by somebodythat understands a raw vegan plant-based diet because some of the numbers on a raw veganblood test, if a regular doctor looked at this, oh my god, this is too low! you needto eat egg or some crap, right? because they’re not used to looking at something different.they’re used to looking at standard blood tests which in some cases are very unhealthy,but it’s just what they see all the time and is what is considered normal. we are abnormal,right? i like to think we’re really healthy and everybody else is normal and unhealthy.
so i would recommend my doctor, my friend,dr. rick dina of rawfoodeducation.com. i will soon have a video on my okraw channel, wherei go into detail on blood tests with dr. dina. he can definitely get you on the right pathand make adjustments to your path if needed, or he might just say no man, you’re doinggreat, keep it up. number six, one of my tips i like to do personally is i like to use spicesand seasonings. i know some of the people may be against spices and seasonings and allthis stuff, but once again, i don’t make meals out of spices and seasonings. i liketo use in small amounts to get flavor, to make my food taste better, so i like it moreand also derive health benefits. so one of the things i like to use is curry.
curry has tumeric. tumeric is very anti-inflammatoryamongst other things. it is also high in antioxidants. i also like to use planted foods as a spiceor seasoning, as i do with seaweed. did anybody get to try that seaweed that went around?what did everybody think? yeah, i mean it’s great. so i wouldn’t make meals of thatstuff, but i like to have a little bit of it in my salad that night. it makes it tastethat much better plus i’m getting additional phytonutrient and phytochemicals that i’mnot getting from my normal foods. so in my opinion, the food you’re eating should tastegood for this to be sustainable. extra tip #7: celebrate your mistakes andlearn from them. i talked about this a little earlier, but that’s super important. we’renot all perfect, i’m not perfect. i’ve
messed up plenty of times and i think thepeople that are the most successful actually mess up the most times. celebrate your mistakesand learn from them. the problem i have is when people continually make a mistake anddon’t learn from them. that’s a problem. number eight, this is something i learnedactually early on is have a purpose. have a purpose in life. one of the things i learnedearly one when i was in the hospital, and i didn’t know if i could make it out alive.i could only pray that i was going to make it out, because it wasn’t up to the doctors. the doctors had no treatment that they couldgive me to assure that i was going to make it out of there, but i prayed that if i gotout of there, i was going to do something
with my life to help benefit other people,to live in service, because when i thought about it more, even if i worked my life awayfor money, what good would that do others or even me? so that’s why a big purposein my life is to help educate others about what i’ve learned over all these years andto help other people on the planet. do unto others as you want unto yourself, or something?so i mean whatever your purpose is, whether that’s to help others or whether anythingelse, have a purpose driven life. super important, because that keeps you motivated and keepsyou going and focusing in one direction because that’ll keep you happier in your life ifyou’re filled with a mission and purpose, rather than not having one and being likean airplane that takes off to go to hawaii
and ends up in fiji or something. because they don’t know their destination.number nine: learn to create your own recipes in the kitchen based on what you have andwhat you want to eat. so i know many people, and this is going against culture here, buteverybody wants that recipe book. john you need to come out with a recipe book so i knowwhat you eat! well what i eat is because it’s what i have in my garden or what i feel likeeating, and i don’t know if that’s going to be healthy for somebody else. i want totry to concepts that people can grow their own food, have their own gardens, and be ableto pull from those ingredients so they can make something that’s going to feed andnourish their bodies, because what i need
may be different from what other people need.for people that are longterm successful in this, people have been doing this for a longtime, they don’t use recipe books. they just whip up some stuff in the kitchen,right? and it feeds and nourishes them and it’s fun when they make it like no recipethat i make, even though i have standard recipes that i like to do, that i enjoy, it’s notalways the same. i always add an extra pinch of this, an extra pinch of that, the lettucequality that i have today is different than the lettuce quality yesterday. and if i’mgetting lettuce from the store it’s different from the lettuce from my garden and all thiskind of stuff. so i really, really want people to start coming up with their own recipesand even if this means taking a recipe that
you look up online or have in a book and likewell i don’t like that ingredient. i’m going to take it out and put this instead.and you’re going to make a few things that don’t taste good, and you’re going tolearn when i did that, it messed up it up so i’m not going to do it anymore. so nowyou’re going to do it different and better the next time. i really want to encouragepeople to start making their own recipes based on what they have available. if you’re ona budget, one of the things i still do is every week in my area there’s several organicstores and they put on sale a handful of organic items. and those are the items that are inabundance that i may not have growing in my garden.
and i’ll buy a lot of things that are onsale, and that week, a lot of my meals are based around what’s on sale that’s organic.so i get the lowest price, also eating what’s most in abundance and what’s in season,because the things that are on sale are usually in season, too, because they got a whole bunchof them and they got to get rid of them. and i’m eating my diet around that. every weekthe sale changes so every week i’m eating different things based on what they have.and i just make up recipes out of that. one of my favorite types of recipes i makethat i want encourage everybody to make, which is actually not on this list, is raw soups.they’re far more nutritious than a salad and i’m not really going to get into itmore than that, but i do have a video on okraw
like an hour-long presentation on how to makea raw foods soup that’s excellent. so i want to encourage everybody to watch that.number 10, this is really controversial: i want everybody to unlabel yourself. if you call yourself a raw foodist, basicallywhat i don’t like for me personally is i don’t like putting people in boxes. likeoh i’m a vegan, i can’t eat honey. or i’m a raw foodist, i can’t eat anythingover 118 degrees. or whatever it is. instead of trying to label yourself and put yourselfin a box because boxes, i don’t care what kind of box, even a cardboard box, it’slimiting. it restricts you, it restricts you from what you’re going to do right? insteadi want you guys to have an open definition
that is fluid and constant to change. insteadof defining myself as a raw foodist, which if i am, if people want to say what i am intwo words, or raw food vegan or whatever, i don’t really want to say that. i say i eat a whole food, plant-based, fruitand vegetable, abundant and primary source of my calories diet in its most freshest,most possible state with the most amount of nutrients. or something. and define it withwords to give it a broader definition, because raw foodists you can eat dates and nut butterall day and you can be a raw foodist. that’s not very healthy. or there’s so many things.you can eat high fat raw food pies all day, but that doesn’t mean you’re healthy.when you describe yourself in a different
way with more words, it really gets down tothe essence of more what you are than trying to sum yourself up in one word as a veganor two words as a raw foodist. and this is something that i really only comeupon in the last five years. i don’t want to be put in a box because it offers me moreflexibility. you can go down with your ship if you’re being too in the box mode. i’veseen plenty of vegans that are junk food vegans, maybe raw food vegans that may not be healthybecause they’re trying to stay inside the confinement of their box. and yes, i totallyagree with compassion to animals. i totally agree with a lot of philosophies of vegan,but i don’t want to be stuck in a box. like oh you got some leather shoes, john you’renot vegan. i don’t care. i’m living with
more compassion than most people out there.i don’t eat animals. i don’t want to harm animals, but i don’t want a label on mebecause i’m not entirely vegan. i might do some things to bugs in my gardenor i might eat an occasional aphid because they’re in my garden and i missed on whenwashing it off, but even if you’re vegan, you’re probably eating some bugs out ofthe garden or in your lettuce so you’re probably not vegan anyway. last extra tipis a few things. one of them i already talked about, the principle of cani. constant andnever-ending improvement. always improve what you’re doing. one of my other favorite sayingsis by the inch it’s a cinch, by the yard it’s hard. and we were on the ropes coursethe other day and once again, if you try to
just go to the ropes course you’re goingto fail, but if you work with your team and take one step at a time, one tightrope walkat a time, you’re going to get to the end and you’re going to finish successfully. so once again instead of trying to go 100percent raw overnight, just increase the raw percentage just a little bit. whatever you’retrying to do and you’ll be successful. another principle i really like to use which reallyhelps people is the principle of good, better, best. this something that really helped mybrother. my brother still eats a standard, conventional american diet, although i havemade an impact with his life because i’m like okay jim, do good, better, best. andthey’re basically three different options.
normally he might go out and eat at mcdonald’s,taco bell, or burger king. but so i’m like jim, you could do better than that. why don’t you just eat at chipotle? so chipotleat least they use whole, fresh ingredients and they make everything prepared fresh insteadof shit out of boxes and way processed food. and of course what’s better is a fresh salador smooth at home, which he knows, he knows he could do that. but he’s really lazy,like most americans are, and he doesn’t want to prepare his food at home. so i gothim eating at chipotle and i’m glad he’s at least moving in the right direction, ratherthan still continuing to eat the really crappy food, not that i would recommend what he’sdoing to anybody out there.
but at least he’s moving in the right direction.i think we all need to be continually moving on in a continual movement towards a betterway of eating and a better way of health and that is, even after 20 years, what i continueto strive to do each and every day as i go on. it gets a little bit more challengingto find a better path to continue my health journey that i’ve been on for these last20 years. i guess the last thing that i have written down in my notes is i really wantpeople to be consistent. it’s not what you do 20 percent of the time.it’s what you do 80 percent of the time. if you could just eat fruits and vegetables80 percent of the time and maybe even whole cooked foods the other 20 percent of the time,you’re going to be way healthier than the
person by incorporating all the tips i’vegiven you today, like 30 tips. you will be more successful because of it. and that’spretty much my talk for today. i’ll take any questions if you have any. john [answering audience questions]: i wouldrecommend a series of blood tests, you can see where you’re at and where you are. exactly.good point, thank you. john: so i haven’t gotten into tempeh yet.i eat natto, i like its flavor number one, but i like that it has the vitamin k, too,which in my opinion a very important nutrient that’s hard to get otherwise. so if i’vefound a nutrient in the tempeh that i might not be getting from another source, whichi would rather get it from a raw food source
than a cooked and then fermented source, thenthat would be my choice. so the question is what do i do if i don’tfeel hungry but i feel a drop in energy. do you still eat, what do you do? and that’sa tough question. i don’t know it all, i don’t know everybody’s particular bodyand i can’t say do this. i could tell you that if i had that situation, what i woulddo is if i didn’t really feel hungry, i would minimally get hydrated. preferably gethydrated with some nutritious water, some nutritious water. so i would use coconut water,some kind of vegetable juicers, green juices, fruit juices to get some energy in me andalso allow me to stay hydrated. so i’d really try to take it easy because if you’re nothungry, your body is maybe telling you you’re
more ready to cleanse. that’d be my firstguess. john: so the question is, what kind of sunscreensdo you use? i don’t really like to use sunscreen. my favorite sunscreen is clothing, so i’lltake my clothing off if i want to get sun. i’ll put my clothing on if i don’t wantsun. if you want clothing that some sun will go through, you’ll want to wear flax orlinen clothing that will allow some sun penetration. i also like to use hats, which i didn’tbring but in my garden in las vegas, the sun’s pouring down. i like to wear a nice wide-brimhat so my face doesn’t get a lot of sun. and if i have to use one, i’d tend towardsone at the health foods store with some of the different minerals in it that will reflectthe light.
also if using coconut oil will give you smallbits of spf, but it’s not really that strong and you have to reapply. carob oil. so i haven’tused carob oil, but one of the things i know is one of the foods i really like is astaxanthin,and it’s an algae that’s very high in antioxidants and it has protective qualities.so that might be something good to look for in sunscreen protective products. yes. john: so the question is if you had to choosea color of the rainbow or a food with nutrients, what are the two or three colors you choose?well, i guess i would choose green because green is a really dominant color on the planet.i would choose blue and maybe red and orange. purple would be good, too. you really wantsome of the darker colors, but i don’t like
to discriminate against any color fruit orvegetable. john: so the question is what is my opinionon alkalized water? i mean, that’s a big topic. they sell these alkaline water machinesfor a lot of money and stuff and i’ve had one for some amount of time and used it andthen i didn’t use it. i thought i felt different, didn’t feel different. number one, it’sreally important to have a good filtered water. many alkalizers that are being sold todaydon’t have a sufficient filter to remove some of the bad crap in there, but they doput alkalinity in the water by shifting around the minerals in there. for me personally,i would much rather drink a green juice or something that actually has a living structuredwater with nutrients and phytochemicals as
well as alkaline, instead of the alkalizedwater. i’d rather drink coconut water before idrink alkaline water. i don’t really see the super huge benefit. i don’t think it’sthat miraculous like they claim it is. if you’re getting an alkalized water it’salready filtered and that’s just an extra thing. i don’t think it’s really an issuebut i don’t see a super huge benefit and i see a lot of marketing stuff behind that. john: so the question is what’s the nameof the toothbrush. the toothbrush i have is called the soladey 4. and that’s the onethat has the solar panel that releases ions that kills bacteria and stuff. and what ismy opinion of distillation? so, i used to
really not like distillation because it washeating the water hotter than what nature would heat it up. so they say distillationis normal john because it heats water and evaporates, just like how the clouds let downthe rain. well, the evaporation of the ocean doesn’t happen at a boiling temperature,otherwise we’d be cooked like a frog in hot water if we went into the ocean. so it happens at a much lower temperature.so i’d much rather prefer distillation that occurred at a lower temperature but basedon more recent information that i’ve had, i’m under the opinion now that distillationis probably a better way to purify water than say reverse osmosis, provided you have a carbonfilter after the distillation process because
distillation will not remove some of the volatileorganic compounds. john: ashitaba. a-s-h-i-t-a-b-a. ashitaba.a-s-h-i-t-a-b-a. also known as angelica keiskei. if you do a search for ashitaba, you willsee all the different research. it’s really good. they say there’s research on it forcancer and other conditions, but i’m not a doctor, i’m not here to tell you whatsomething is good and not good for. i like to say i just want to get these foods intome and let my body figure out and let it do what it’s going to do. but if i’m notgetting that food, it’s not going to be able to do that stuff. john: marine plasma. so the question is havei ever used shilajit and marine plasma? so
i’ve had shilajit a few times and the marineplasma a couple times. once again, i like to have a more inclusive raw food approachthan oh, fruits and vegetables, we’ll get everything from fruits and vegetables. i liketo include different foods and see how it makes me feel, see how i react. i have a wholeshelf full of different green foods, superfood powders and do i eat those every day? i mightput one in my smoothie once a week because i think there’s a benefit in spirulina andchlorella and acai powders if i can’t get fresh acai berries or something. so i probablyuse some of that. i haven’t really done anything like that, but i can see, especiallythe sea stuff a little bit more than the shilajit, but it’s probably all good and if you justinclude a little bit, i probably would, yeah.
john: so what did everyone think when theylooked through the little meter? did you guys see what i was talking about? any other questions?yes. john: where did i get the sea asparagus? sothis sea asparagus, they actually sell it at the whole foods in town. and then alsothis one i actually got at the farmers’ market, so they go to several farmers’ markets.this farmers’ market, i saw them at the mililani market on saturday. this one wasthe kcc farmers’ market at the community college on wednesday. i’m pretty confidentthey’re going to be at the farmers’ market tonight in kahlua and they’re going to beat the farmers’ market on saturday at the kcc.
john: yes, so you can more than likely takeback the ogo because they ship from here to there. the sea asparagus, i’m not so sure.now if you live in california, you can actually harvest the sea asparagus, also known as salicornia,yourself. it grows in the san francisco bay area, so i go down in the bay in californiaand just harvest my own. and besides just harvesting my own, i’ll actually dig someup to take home to my house and grow them. alright, so this one’s a clear defined line,and this is 15, so this is a little bit better than the last one. so california wins over florida. john: do i have a favorite book to identifyfruits to forage for? i don’t have a favorite
book. i haven’t really delved into foragingin a major way myself. i do like the book by katrina blair, which, if you’ve neverforaged before, it’s the one book everybody should own because it goes over the top 11or 13 weeds that grow everywhere that disturb soil. so this will ensure that you will beable to find food wherever you are basically, except out in the wild. and also, i made avideo with her on growingyourgreens and if you go to the end of that video, i have aspace where you can order the book from here and she will also send you those seeds ofthe plants in her books. you can grow them, cultivate it in your garden for really nutritious,dense, rich soil. so you can learn firsthand what they look like to identify them and becomeintimate with them through all the different
stages. plus have the easiest garden everby doing it with weeds. john: what was the most difficult part abouteating more healthy in my lifestyle? for me, probably doing it affordably, but i figuredthat one out. because it can get very expensive to eat fruits and vegetables, especially highquality ones, so you got to have ways to make it more affordable so you can do it. i knowsome people, once again, even with the money you spend, you’re voting for your healthevery time. i haven’t had health insurance for like over 20 years now. i put all themoney into being proactive instead of reactive with my health and eating healthy foods andof course being careful and not breaking bones or doing stupid things that are going to getme hurt.
alright, i gotta get out of here, but i’llbe around if you want me to answer any questions. just come and ask me. thank you. john: alright, congratulations, you made itall the way through the two-hour long video. if you guys liked this format, really likedthis video, give me at thumbs up, let me know. it’s not too difficult for me to film andtape different talks. i’ll have to go through a few things like get the extension cordsand set up the camera up a little bit differently and have the room shifted a little bit differently,but i really enjoyed giving that talk at the 2015 woodstock fruit festival in hawaii, andi want to encourage you guys, if you want a good time, a good party, and have that connectionyou’re not feeling over youtube. i know
many of you guys are like man john’s mybest bud. i’ve watched all his videos, i know all about him, but i know nothing aboutyou guys because you guys are just watching all my videos. but a place like woodstock food festival isamazing and i hear this this upcoming one in new york, coming up in august, this year,is probably going to be the woodstock fruit festival ever. so if you want to experiencethe woodstock fruit festival, be sure to check it out. be sure to check the link at the endof this video and check out woodstock. i would encourage you guys to go and meet me, askme more questions or whatever. but yeah, also, if you would post down below any comments,any questions, or any of the things that you’ve
learned over the short time or long time you’vebeen doing raw foods that i can learn from, because i’m always out to learn and grow.and i’m thinking to myself i’m a sponge in the ocean here. i’m a sponge and i getto soak up so much information, and let some of it go as it doesn’t serve me anymore,and that’s what i really want you guys to do. i want you guys to use the informationthat could serve you, and let the other stuff go, and maybe you’ll pick up new informationand let old stuff go or bring old stuff back in that yo may have forgotten. my goal in making these videos, all thesedifferent 1800 youtube videos is to make the world a better place, and i also want to encourageyou guys to pay it forward. all of you guys
watching have the power to make a differencein the world. i’m on a beach here. if there was starfishes on the beach and they wereall turned upside down, that means the starfish is not going to make it. you got to flip thestarfish over so that it can continue to live. if there are 100 of them on the beach, i don’tknow if i can turn over all 100, but at least i can make a difference to the one. and that’swhat i want you guys to do. you can make a difference to specific peoplein your lives, whether that means making youtube videos and five people, ten people, 100 peoplewatch it or just by talking to your friends and loved ones and immediate family membersso you can start eating a healthier diet today and more importantly, living greener on thisbeautiful planet that we live. so, also be
sure to subscribe to my videos, if you haven’talready. i have over 450 episodes on this youtube channel if you’re interested inlearning how to grow your own food. be sure to check out growingyourgreens.comand if you’re interested in buying some of the equipment, like the juicers and theblenders that’ll allow you to make and prepare delicious smoothies and consume them mucheasier, you’ll want to check me out at discountjuicers.com and my corresponding youtube channel for that,youtube.com/rawfoods. so that’s pretty much it. once again this is john kohler with okraw.com.we’ll see you next time and until then, remember, keep eating your fresh fruits andvegetables. they’re always the best.
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