Wednesday, January 25, 2017

asian salad recipe applebees

hey there, i'm going to be breaking my cardinalrule for this video. as you may know all of the bite size vegan nugget videos are 5 minutesor less. this video is obviously more than 5 minutes. but i hope you know that i wouldnot break this rule if it wasn't for something really important. and this video definitelyqualifies. if you don't already know him i want to introduce you to my friend and mentorgary yourofsky. gary is a rock star of the vegan activism movement. he travels aroundthe world, giving speeches at schools and universities about vegan-ism. and gary hasveganised literally thousands upon thousands of people. the following video is actuallya newer version of gary's speech, and it's shorter than the original. so it really iskind of bite sized. now even if you're already

vegan, i really urge you to take a momentand watch this video. i personally have gotten so much of my inspiration for my activismthrough gary's work. at the end of this video there is a link to a q&a session that garyheld directly after the speech. so hop on over there when you're done with this sit back relax and let the education wash over you. okay, i'm going to take you guyson a journey today. and like all journeys in life there's going to be ups and downs,high and lows. you're going to like certain parts and then dislike other parts. in otherwords you will love me and hate me today all at once. but if you listen with an open mindi promise at the end of this speech the love will outweigh the hate. the first 30 minuteswill be very intense. i'm going to make you

feel angry, frustrated and guilty. fortunatelythe last 15 minutes will be like a comedy roast. â so we're going to laugh and giggleand you guys are getting roasted by the way. so i'm going to speak for around 45 minutes.and then we will do a q&a session after. so hold your questions until the end. right nowi want you to think about how you would feel if the moment you were born, someone elsehad already planned the day of your execution. because that's what it's like to be a thecow, a pig, a chicken or a turkey on this planet. they're not born free, they're bornto be murdered even though freedom is supposed to be a birthright. a god given right. i meanno god would be a slave master, a torturer and a killer of his animals, his babies. ifhe was, then he wouldn't be god. he would

be the devil. if that statement shocks youor brings up feelings of animosity towards me, the problem isn't with me and what i justsaid. the problem is that humans have victimized animals to such a degree, that they aren'teven considered victims. they aren't even considered at all. they're nothing they don'tcount, they don't matter. they're commodities like tv sets and cell phones. we have actuallyturned animals into inanimate objects. sandwiches and shoes, it is the greatest magic trickever performed, the animation switch. and besides the money made from selling theirflesh, and skin, and the things that come out of their bodies, there isn't even decentvalue on them as in an inanimate objects. the american flag for example, which is nothingbut a piece of fabric. the bible, which is

nothing but a book comprised of ink and paper,stir up more emotions than the murder of animals. if there were a barbecue near campus today,and if people were cooking up steaks and hamburgers, man there'd be a party. people would actuallycelebrate the cow who was killed, the person who killed the cow, and the chef that seasonedher dead body. but if someone poured gasoline on the flag or a bible, struck a match andset it on fire, lord have mercy there would be an angry mob ready to kill somebody. theselifeless, inanimate objects, the flag and the bible, are more sacred than animals? living,feeling breathing beings. animals are victims. the most oppressed ever. and if you're havinga tough time grasping this fact, maybe it's because the only time you ever come into contactwith cows and chickens and turkeys is when

they're cut up and cooked on your dinner good afternoon everybody, my name is gary yourofsky. i'm a vegan animal liberation activist.i am not a politician, and i'm not a salesperson. that means i've got no lies to tell you andno books and no dvds to sell you. before i continue i want to define the word vegan foreverybody, v e g a n. vegans, just like vegetarians, do not consume the meat of any land or marineanimal. vegans however, unlike vegetarians, also refrain from eating cheese, milk, eggs,honey, any animal product whatsoever. we also don't wear animal skin. no fur, leather, wool,silk or down. i want to let you know that i was not raised vegan. i ate meat, cheese,milk and eggs for around 25 years. and like most people i always thought that i caredabout animals because i love dogs and cats.

or chipmunks and squirrels. until one dayafter seeing some animals backstage in a circus, chained up and caged up, i not only realizedthat i was witnessing a slave show, i realized i was a hypocrite. a bigot. a speciesist.just like a racist who believes that their race is more special and more important thanall the other races. as speciesist believes that humans are more special and more importantthan all animals, and therefore have the right to enslave and kill any species they choose.but if you honestly place yourself in the animal's position, looking at this issue fromthe victim’s point of view, being denied your freedom and the right to live a longhealthy life. and imagine yourself confined in a concentration camp truck on your wayto a slaughterhouse so someone can slice your

throat and cut you up into pieces. i am prettysure you would understand why the psychotic addictions of meat, cheese, milk and eggsmust be abolished. if you eat animals and the things that come out of animals you areintentionally causing pain and suffering, and polluting your soul with the blood ofinnocent beings. humanity's main focus should always be extending compassion to others.not engaging in rituals and traditions that are based on cruelty. there is a massacretaking place right now. it's the world's largest and longest running massacre of all time,because every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, female animals areraped to impregnate them. so we can steal their babies, separate families from eachother, so we can kill them and sell their

flesh and skin. if that's not the definitionof injustice, of an atrocity, then i would like to know what is. you do realize thatif you went to the nearest cow or chicken slaughterhouse, and remove the animals, andthen replace them with human beings, all of a sudden it's a tragedy. auschwitz is resurrected,slave ships sail again. and don't think i'm the first person to make these valid comparisons.civil rights activist dick gregory once said "when i look at animals, held captive by circuses,i think of slavery." animals in circuses represent represent domination and oppression. they wear the same chains and shackles. isaac bashevis-singer, who escaped nazi occupied poland, once condemnedour speciesistic world when he said "what do they know? all these scholars, all thesephilosophers, all the leaders of the world.

they have convinced themselves that man, theworst transgressor of all the species, is the crown of creation. and all the animalswere made for us to be food and pelts. to be tormented and exterminated. in relationto animals, all humans are nazis. for the animals it is an eternal treblinka." now iknow these statements sound pretty harsh and controversial to you, but that doesn't meanthey aren't true. the fact that anyone would fight against vegan-ism, against animal liberationwhich means you are against compassion, just proves how completely irrational meat, dairyand egg eaters can be. vegans are only asking you to change what you eat, not who you are.stay jewish, christian or catholic. stay muslim, buddhist, hindu, atheist, agnostic, stay leftor right in politics. if you honestly place

yourself in the animal’s position, thereis no way you can justify the things that we do to them, and walk away from today'sspeech saying that you don't care. the ethical compass that most people use to gauge rightfrom wrong is the golden rule. do unto others, as you would have others do unto you. sinceno one in this room wants to be treated the way we treat cows, pigs, chickens and turkeysand fish, there's no need to search for an excuse today not to be vegan. 60 billion landanimals, 90 billion marine animals are killed every year on this planet for a sandwich.for addictions of greed and gluttony. what kind of society justifies mass murder? stopthinking that animals aren't victims, because they aren't human. it's the mindset of thevictimizer that's wrong. and this is what

needs to be examined and corrected becauseit never changes no matter who the victim is. have you noticed it always goes somethinglike this - no you don't count. no you don't matter. no i'm more important than you. ilaugh at the suffering i inflict on you. i'll kill you and your family whenever i want howeveri want. prove to me why i should be kind to you. it is not your right to deny someoneelse their freedom and their rights, so you can harm them enslave them and kill them.that's not what rights are about. that's injustice. there is no counter argument to vegan-ism.accept it. you can't be right all the time. apologize for the way you have been living,make amends, and evolve, move forward. now all throughout history there's a pretty goodreason why most people, most good people,

have always been on the wrong side of what'sright. and that's because the truth has never been accepted overnight. it has always hadto pass through three stages. first it is mocked and ridiculed. yeah, people alwaysmake fun of something they don't understand especially when it involves being kind tosomeone else. second stage, denial and violent opposition. people refuse to believe there'san atrocity taking place, and they fight tooth and nail to keep the status quo as is. thirdstage, acceptance. there is no longer need to explain it because we all get it. now unfortunatelyit usually takes hundreds, sometimes thousands of years for the truth to pass through thesestages. i'm going to try and do it today in around 45 minutes. and in order for the truthto be accepted and understood, we do have

to witness the atrocities. the five and ahalf minute video we're about to watch - that footage was taken throughout america, britainand israel. and if you feel the need to turn away or close your eyes during this video,you should probably ask yourself a question. if it is not good enough for my eyes, thenwhy is it good enough for my stomach? and before i press play i have to say somethingabout all this humane meat, humane milk, humane eggs bullshit that's going on in our societyright now. that stuff does not exist under any circumstances whatsoever. even when animalsreside in cage free, free range, grass fed, local organic, antibiotic free definition alone, slavery and slaughter are radically cruel and can never be don't be so gullible with slick marketing

ads that want to convince you that animalsenjoy being on the menu. as if they're all saying "hey stab me, yeah kill me. sure takeeverything from me because that's why i'm here, just for you." and if for some reasonmy foresaid words in this video we're about to watch, aren’t proof enough of the terrorismclaims that i am hurling at the meat dairy and egg industries, maybe the dismemberedbodies of 150 billion animals annually could count as proof.â  (slideshow of animals) i am forever embarrassed to be a human stand upright like that is something to be proud of. do you ever wonder why mcdonaldsand burger king and wendy's never use those

images in their tv ads? no severed heads,dismembered limbs, corpses, blood, guts? always showing you a happy, singing, smiling cartooncaricature instead. lying to you, brainwashing you, and programming you not to care aboutthings you would normally care about, things that you used to care about when you wereyoung innocent and uncorrupted by societies lies. so how come if the animals in that videowere dogs and cats, people would be outraged? and if they were kids the world would screambloody murder. instead the victims are cows and chickens and fish and all of a suddenit's okay? so i'm a little confused here. is the slaughterhouse the problem, or is theproblem just who's getting killed in the slaughterhouse? because it's a house of slaughter. why doesit even exist? â especially when peace begins

at the dinner table, with what you put intoyour body on a daily basis. good people don't talk about kindness, they practice it. andthey certainly don't pray about love on the weekends for an hour or two. they actuallygive it all the time. i know you have the capability of understanding right from wrongbecause you all hate people that harm children. why not hate people who harm animals? it’shypocritical. why protect one victim and then violate and ignore the other victim when neithervictim wants nor deserves the abuse? they just wish it would end. stop praising theinnocence in children, and then ignoring and making fun of the exact same innocence inanimals. and everyone has to stop making these idiotic claims that humans are the only oneswho are capable of being rational and aware,

and that animals operate on instinct only.can i explain something to everybody in a pretty simple way? breathing is instinctive.everything else is a thought attached to an action. it is not an accident that animalscan build a home if given a chance, and return to that home. if they can care for their babies,if they can find shade on a sunny day or seek warm when it’s cold. figure out when tosleep or stay awake. locate water to drink. fly in a v formation. hide when they don'twant to be seen. defend their territory. all these actions prove beyond a reasonable doubt,that animals have the capacity of being rational and aware. the human animal is the only animalthat spends the majority of time not thinking. eating at steak and shake and a golden corral,an applebee’s and long john silver's, is

not rational thought. but this isn't a competitionof intelligence or awareness. this is about justice. when we were kids each and everysingle one of us, when our parents or grandparents sat us down and read a story, that story wasabout animals. â and when that story was read to us we smiled and giggled uncontrollably.we even mimic the noises they make, their language. we wanted to play with them so badly,not have someone shove a knife in their throat and cut them up into pieces. what happenedto you along the way? who stole your compassion, your empathy and your conscience? becausethey stole mine too, and they got me good. but i got it all back. and that's the onlyreason i am here today, to try and help you get yours back as well. all i'm asking youto do is something normal and natural. eat

what comes from the earth. what the groundpushes up and what the trees drop down and give us. every single vitamin, mineral andnutrient that exist's, protein, calcium, iron, potassium, all of the b vitamins they havean original source, and it ain't the animals. i know you're aware that people eat animalsafter the animals have already eaten things that come from the earth. people eat cowsafter the cows have eaten up all the grass, some of the soil, then we ship them off toa feed lot, and we feed them most of our corn, wheat, oats and soy. then we take even moreof the corn, the wheat, the oats and the soy, we shove it down the throats of pigs, chickensand turkeys. stop filtering your nutrients through someone else's body. it’s irrational.go to those sources directly. fruits, vegetables,

nuts, seeds, grains, legumes like lentils.these things cannot harm you. cannot cause a disease, and most importantly they neverintentionally harm anyone else in the process. but when we consume what walks and what fliesand what swims, that is abnormal. where does everybody think diseases come from? broccol?asparagus? blueberries? strawberries, peaches, nectarines, grapes, bananas, avocados, onions,tomatoes, cucumbers? and i'm well aware that many other factors can lead to a disease.stress is an absolute killer. so is lack of exercise and lack of sleep, and excessiveamounts of empty refined carbohydrates like white rice, white bread, and sugar. but animalproducts, because of animal protein, remain the main cause of every major disease. checkout the all about veganism section on my

website. i now have links to more than 50medical studies proving that veganism by far the healthiest way to live. and let me destroythese lies about b-12 and the hereditary factor for disease. now first, b-12 comes from bacteriathat live in our mouth and intestines. that bacteria also exists in the mouth and theintestines of all the animals and in the soil. so you can let your body produce b-12 naturallywhich is what we and the animals always do, or you can eat some unwashed organic vegetablesonce in a while with some dirt still on them like carrots and celery, and get all the b-12you will ever need. if you check out the vitamin section on my website, i have links to 3 essayswritten by doctors including john mcdougall, one of the world's top medical professionals,who states that vegans have a less than one

in a million chance of ever developing a diseasefrom a b-12 deficiency. you can also see my blood work in that section, because i gottired of people saying stuff to me over the years like, "hey yourofsky bet you got nob-12 levels. you’ve been vegan way too long. i bet your b-12 levels suck." so in october2012 i went and got everything tested. your b-12 level is supposed to be between 271 and870 i checked in at 543. at that time, 16 years vegan now 17 years vegan, still haven'ttaken one single pill because i don't believe you can find health in a pill. but with thisbeing said, if you decide you want to become vegan today, and i hope everybody does, andyour parents or your doctor insist that you take a b-12 supplement, then do it. who givesa shit, it takes two seconds. i'm not an anti-vitamin

activist. i'm an anti-cruelty to animals activist.i'm just trying to give you some good information so you can save yourself 25 bucks on a bottleof pills that you don't even need. and the other myth is that we can't do anything aboutour health because it's already programmed into our genes. "hey gary that's a great speechman but heart disease runs in my family. breast cancer keeps running in my family." nonsense,don't you know what runs in people's families? you should by now. meat, cheese, milk andeggs. it doesn't count as hereditary when our parents and our grandparents and our greatgrandparents ate the same disgusting unhealthy things that we still eat. actually that'sthe definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and always expecting adifferent result. baldness is hereditary.

you can thank your mom's dad for that. eyecolor is in the genes. cystic fibrosis, down syndrome, that’s in the genes. heart diseaseand cancers are not. now i want to break this down for you even further. i am going to showyou exactly who's been lying to you all these years. because according to the dairy industryitself, the main reasons they exist are so you can get protein and calcium. now unlessyou plan on starving yourself to death, which i do not recommend, it's impossible not toget protein. you couldn't even do it if you tried, because every single plant on thisplanet contains protein. even fruit is around 5% protein. vegetables have plenty of protein,nuts and seeds and grains. beans and lentils by the way, 25% protein. one cup of tempeh,tempeh is a meat-like substance made from

fermented soy, 1 cup has more than 30 gramsof protein. and the seaweed spirulina, 79% protein. so again unless you're planning ona starvation diet, it's impossible not to get your protein intake for the day. as forcalcium, which is abundant in the plant kingdom like every nutrient that exists, that's wherenutrients come from. plants, not from the animals. the best sources of the calcium bythe way are almonds, broccoli, parsley and sea vegetables, seaweed. but check out thatvitamin section on my website, i now have a detailed list of the best sources for morethan 100 nutrients. but the dairy industry boy they love to say eat some cheese, drinksome cows milk, strong bones strong body, milk build the body good, happy cows. gotmilk? most people eat dairy products 3 times

a day. you can't even get a sandwich anymorewithout cheese. people put cheese and meat on salads too. and by the way if you're eatinga salad with meat and cheese on it, it’s not a salad. stop that shit it’s a sandwichwithout the bread all chopped up in little pieces put inside of a bowl. spare me thechicken salad, tuna salad crap. a salad is comprised of vegetables and plant productsonly. and if you're lucky enough to find this vegetable only salad somewhere, what's thefirst thing people have to say to the waiter like an addict? "hey can i get some ranchor some thousand island?" can you please pour some dairy all over these vegetables for me?so in or society everybody is hooked on dairy. i mean hooked like it's been laced with cocaineand percocet. most people can't even fathom

one meal, let alone one day or a lifetimewithout cheese. in fact if you want to know why vegetarians never become vegans, cheese.cheese on a baked potato, cheese on a broccoli, cheese on everything, and even lactose intolerantpeople eat cheese. so, we have all these animal products come in to our diets for breakfast,lunch and dinner every single day without exception, snacks too. did you ever wonderwhy nearly every other commercial on tv has something to do with pills and illnesses?and why are parents and grandparents having to take multi vitamins every day? and whythere's a drug store, drug store, on every street corner pushing vitamins and pharmaceuticalson everybody? â after all we do live in a meat dairy and egg eating world. you thinkmaybe people need pills and people become

sick because meat cheese milk and eggs arepure and utter garbage, with very little to no nutritional value whatsoever? and let memention something quickly about the environment and world hunger, because a lot of peoplekeep telling me that they care more about humans than animals. so they can never becomevegan. as if eating some tofu today instead of a hamburger is going to mess up your humanrights activities for the day. this is especially puzzling to me in many ways, but mainly becausemeat, dairy and egg eating societies are the main cause of world hunger. as they continuouslyfeed 50% of the worlds crops, back to 16 billion land animals that we kill in the meat dairyand egg industries every year, and the tens of billions of marine animals that we killon fish farms every year. instead of using

those crops to feed 7 1/2 billion can do the math on this one yourself, you don't have to be einstein to figure outthis equation. every 2 to 3 seconds some human on this planet dies from starvation, that'sa fact. here's another fact: chickens, turkeys, pigs and cows, they never miss a meal. meat,dairy and egg eating is the worst form of human and animal abuse. and when it comesto a pure environmental destruction, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, nothing competeswith animal agriculture. there is no such thing as a meat, dairy or egg eating environmentalist.but check out the two environment sections on my website for more detailed info on that,because i want to spend a little more time right now condemning the dairy industry. becausewhen it comes to cruelty, i think there's

more cruelty in a piece of cheese in a glassof milk, in yogurt, than there is in meat. first of all most hamburger meat comes fromthe dairy industry. when cows can't produce huge amounts of milk after 3 to 7 years, slaughterhouse.if given a chance, god forbid, cows can live to be 18 to 25. and cows are like all femalemammals. and listen i don’t mean to be speaking down to anybody if that's how you're takingthis. it's just that when i'm talking to addicts about their addictions, addicts have a tendencyto become irrational and illogical. i know you understand this concept, you just neverthink about it when it comes to the animals. female mammals can only produce and give milkduring or after pregnancy. so once a year every cow on every dairy farm is raped toimpregnate her. long steel device, shove it

in her vagina to inject her with bull semen.sometimes they just use a bare hand to do it. got to get that milk flow going on somehow.and later on after she gives birth, her newborn baby is stolen away. a couple months laterthey repeat the process all over again. one of the worst screams i have ever heard, andi've heard them all first hand. i've been to slaughter houses, vivisection labs, behindthe scenes of every circus and roto that would pass through michigan. one of the worst screamsi've ever heard, stealing newborn babies from their mothers. and why do they still newbornbabies from their mothers? well the dairy industry can't have calves sucking up allthat milk that was meant for them. they would rather sell it to you instead. every timeyou have dairy, some calf does not. and mother

cows make milk for one reason, for their closed forever. no debate, no discussion, the jury is in. they certainly don't makemilk for baby elephants and baby orangutans, and baby hedgehogs, baby rabbits, baby rats,baby humans, adolescent humans or adult humans. this body of ours has absolutely no need forcow milk like it has absolutely no need for giraffe milk. and zebra milk, and rhinocerosmilk, and hippopotamus milk, camel milk, goat milk, horse milk, pig milk, dog milk, or catmilk. the only milk that we ever need comes from our own mother. our species that’sit. and after the first few years of life, we never need one drop ever again. but ifyou want to include some kind of milk in your diet like i do, it is finally time for somegood news. because i can see it on some of

your faces, i can sense it in the room. you'relike damn did you drive all the way from michigan to new york to verbally abuse us? lightenup man. actually i came here today to show you what you've been missing, because everyone'sgot those blinders on nice and tight. everything you like to eat and drink, the taste, thesmell, and the texture, we've got a vegan version for you. it’s been vegan-ised. thereis soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, hemp milk, coconut milk, oat milk, hazel nut milk,sunflower milk and flax milk. you can mimic the taste and texture of meat with tofu andtempeh and seitan. plus we’ve got all those vegan meats made from plant products, notfrom chemicals. what about ethnic food? middle eastern food. falafel, tabouli, hummus, lentilsoup. asian food, stir fried vegetables and

tofu. just remember when ordering asian dishes,always order those dishes without fish sauce added to it. indian food. aloo gobi. it’scauliflower, potatoes and curry, it's delicious. chana masala, chickpeas and tomatoes. mexicanfood, rice and beans and guacamole. italian food, pasta, spaghetti and pizza's, withoutcheese. bet you've got a cool place in town and new york has many, that have vegan cheeseon the menu. ethiopian food, split peas and lentils. check out my website for tips onwhat to eat and where to eat. i have a restaurant section, i have a recipe section, i have aveg shopping guide and an athlete section too. and don't think i don't want your faceswhen i’m up here, that's what i do i'm preaching. i’m watching all of your expressions. howcome when i talk about tofu and pizzas without

cheese, boy catch a couple people in everyclassroom start to wrinkle up their nose's a little. eyes get a little wide and bulgystart glancing around the room with your friends like, tofu? is this guy crazy? tempe? he mustbe out of his mind. what the hell is seitan. seitan by the way not satan,â seitan. it isa wheat meat. it is meat it is made from wheat. so how come tofu, and even fruits and veggiesare considered gross to most people, but meat, time to break meat down for everybody. you'vegot five components to meat. blood, flesh, veins, muscles and tendons. the cut up corpseof a dismembered body. how does meat not qualify as disgusting and gross to everybody? howin the world is a liquid, a liquid that oozes out of a cows udder, a secretion that is loadedwith pus that drips from an animal's body,

how is this not considered gross? oh and letme tell you about the pus in the cow’s milk it would be my pleasure. when you hook machinesup to the udders of cows three times a day to suck them dry, those machines cause massiveamounts of infections and irritations on the inside and outside the udder. then when youadd all of the bovine growth hormone, and all the genetic engineering that's been doneto a cow's body to make sure she produces huge amounts of milk which always leads toanother infection, the machine doesn't know what not to suck out. pus and mucus and infectionsright into the milk. and yes milk is pasteurized, but exactly when did pasteurization becomea removal process? last time i checked it was a sanitation process. meaning you areonly sanitizing pus. and if you want to look

this up online, well you don't think the dairyindustry would ever use the word pus, when they write about this problem in their owntrade journals do you? no, they are going to deceive you again. look up the scientificterm for pus. somatic cell count, s o m a t i c. oh and let's talk about some otherdisgusting thing that you guys love to eat. did you know that the backside of a bird iscalled a cloaca? c l o a c a. it was the opening scene in the video. we can pop that back inif you want to see it. it's one hole. it is one hole, but it serves many purposes. it'sthe poop hole, it's the pee hole, it's the vaginal fluid hole, and it’s the hole whereyour omelets and scrambled eggs come from. yea i remember back in the day i used to lovemy scrambled eggs with shit sprinkled, urine

splattering goo juice all over it too. becauseyou know when you crack shell over the bowl, all those microscopic particles fly everywhich way. and if you guys think it’s normal and natural to eat something that has beenmarinating in feces and urine for hours and hours, i've got a brand new challenge foreverybody. i always like to have a new challenge every single semester. it's the egg challenge.when you get home from school later today, i want you to go to the bathroom. fill herup every day, don't flush though. then i want you to stroll on over to the kitchen, openup the fridge, grab yourself an egg, take it back to the toilet, drop it in. if youeven have the courage to stick your hand in there and grab it back out, and you can washit when you're done, bleach it do whatever

you want to it. are you still going to wantto eat it? and that's your own shit. that's your waste. now you're talking about a henand you don't even know her butthole? and what about vomit? come on you guys love adore some vomit in on and all over your food. better give this one a pretty no one's going to want to buy and eat vomit, unless we call it honey instead. honey comesdirectly from a bee's stomach. it's regurgitated right through a bee's mouth. you can lookthat up with any wildlife biologist. but nobody wants to eat bee vomit nut cheerios, we wanthoney nut cheerios so we lie to ourselves and play euphemism games. the standard dietof a meat, dairy, and egg eater is blood, flesh, veins muscles, tendons cow secretions,things that come out of a hen's ass and bee

vomit. and we're not done yet, i'm not goingto let you off the hook that easy while i got you here today. because we top it alloff in my opinion, because every single year when people start cooking turkeys for theholidays. people take a dead turkey, carve out a really big hole in that dead turkey'sass, take some stuffing, and shove it inside their dead empty ass, and use their littledead ass as an oven to bake some bread. somebody else’s dead empty bacterial laying ass tomake bread? ass bread? and people think vegans are weird because we eat tofu? i tell peopleone of my favorite meals nowadays, yams and barley. hook me up with some yams and barleyfor breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and i'm a happy guy. most people, i told them this andthey are like, "what? you just eat vegetables

and grains for dinner? yeah i don't know manthat's kind of weird." okay but somebody else's rib cage sitting on your plate, that's notweird? severed legs, sliced up thighs and mutilated breasts on your plate isn't weirdand doesn't make you think twice? is bestiality weird to anybody? doing sexual things withanimals? because i used to think everybody thought so but not even close my meat, cheese,milk, eggs, loving friends. because you engage in carnivorous bestiality on a daily basis.sometimes multiple times a day. you eat things that come out of a hen's ass and shove thingsinto a turkey's ass. you eat breast, legs, and thighs, and then you pay somebody elseto sexually molest a cow and squeeze her nipples for you so you can steal her milk? man youguys are obsessed with bird asses and cow

tits, enough already. seriously. is it possibleto step into the 21st century and stop mimicking the behavior of cavemen and cavewomen? you'vegot a choice today .when you leave this room you can choose to become radically kind. tonever intentionally harm another animal for breakfast, lunch, or dinner ever again. theseanimals have never violated you, or taken advantage of you in any way. the least youcan do is return the favor. or stay radically cruel. keep the status quo as is. make sureanimals have their babies stolen from them. make sure their horns are cut off, beaks slicedoff, testicles ripped out. make sure they're raped. make sure they never experience onedrop of human kindness, and make sure there is a knife in their throat every second, ofevery minute, of every hour, of every day,

for eternity. i hope you make the right choice.isn't it rough enough being an animal on this planet with us around? because we claim everythingfor us? the land is ours. we pollute the air, the water, destroy the forest and the we have to maximize the cruelty that they already endure by eating them on top of itall? you wanna talk about pouring salt into somebody else's wounds. 98%, and i want toleave you with this stat, 98% of animals who are abused and killed on this planet, areabused and killed by the meat, dairy, and egg industries. the least we can do is minimizethe cruelty by living a vegan lifestyle. i want to thank you guys for listening, i doappreciate the open minds i saw out there today. let's do some q&a right now, i thinkwe still have about 15 minutes for a q&a session.

asian meal recipe

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