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information availableat ♪♪ well hello, i'm chef robstinson and this is fit to eat, a new seriesabout eating healthy and living better. i worked in a five-starchinese restaurant at the beginning of my career,and i love the style of cooking so much that i'veincorporated it into every restaurant i'veever been involved with.
asian cuisine is light,flavorful, quick, spicy. it makes agreat presentation. today we are makingan asian stir fry and baked,breaded flounder. as always you canfind my recipes with all the nutritionalinformation, calories, fat, sodium, etc.on our website:. the fun part about asiancooking is there is a real mechanism in the way thatthe vegetables are cut
so that everything is done sothey are uniform in shape but with a huge varietyof texture and flavor. we're going to beusing in this dish-- if you watch the series,you will notice that we use virtuallyno salt. in this, we are usinga low salt version of our soy sauce whichis half the milligrams of a normal soy sauce. it adds enough flavor,because we are not using
much, to give ita great flavor. so now let'shave a little fun. how do you know whenyou've got good flounder? flounder should besimple to the nose. shouldn't smellanything predominant when you smellthe flounder. shouldn't have anykind of a slimy film. you can see this isbeautiful white flounder. it's already filleted.
the skin has already beentaken off and you can see that on the back sidewhere there is no skin. the reason i have two, i'mgoing to have a little fun with you in themiddle of cooking this. i'm going to do a versionthat my daughter loves. this is something usingour brown rice we are doing today along with stockand making a flounder soup, but somethingthat kids will eat. i think that's anotherbig part of this show.
we have a lot to do in ashort time on this one so i am going toget started here and the very first thingwe are going to do is make a batter. this is skim milk. we're going to use one of thesebeautiful, natural eggs. mix this up. when you see a batter, whenyou are taking something and frying it, you always putit into a liquid batter first
and then dredge itin bread crumbs. so the fun part aboutthis is we are using a very low-fatversion. we don't want to takeeggs out of our diet. they are high in protein. we've got a lot of eggfarms here in mississippi. we obviously knowthe flavor is there, so we are going to takethis and put this mix into a bigger bowl that wecan dredge the flounder in.
over here in the largebowl we're going to make our breading. this is a really healthyversion of what would be seasoned breadcrumbs. you will want to keep thisone on record which again you can go to our website: what i'm going to do istake and place into the bowl about half a cup ofwhole wheat bread crumbs. now i will take a thirdof a cup of soy flour.
why the mix? the reason is becauseit cooks differently than your traditionalbreadcrumbs. i find that mixing the two givesabout the same consistency. what am i addingto this? some garlic powderfor flavor and some onionpowder for flavor. on top of that,if you wanted to, you could put atouch of salt.
but again, we'redoing all of this so there is virtuallyno salt. now we are going to makea nice consistent mix. you can see that doesn'ttake long to do whatsoever. we will take one ofthese flounder pieces. if you notice, flounder isalways unusual in its shape that one sideis smaller. these are fish thatactually swim on one side their entirelife on the bottom.
we're going to take it,dredge it through that wash, batter if you will. then put it intothe breadcrumbs. get it to coat evenly. it's not really hard todo, but if it doesn't, it's going to stick tothe pan when you bake it. again, this is supposedto mimic what a fried piece offlounder would be. let me tell you, thisis so much healthier.
the final trick ofthis is a neat one. we are going to takeour pan that we are going to bake thison and spray it. this is a zero fat,zero carb spray. totally healthy. place our fish directly onthat and then head over to the ovenand pop this in. now, last trick. i talk about my trocha.
the trocha is coming up. it is spraying the topof it with a little of your zerofat spray. why do you do that? you do that so it willcrisp on top in the oven. let's go ahead, putit into the oven. i've got this ovena little hot. it's at 425â°. at 425â°, it's hotenough for that thin
piece of flounderto cook. that's the trick. you don't want totake and cook it at a low temperaturebecause it might burn it upa little bit. let's do alittle housekeeping. move some of this stuff tothe side because we have an incredible amount of stuffwe're going to do today. what's niceabout all of this,
i keep all of thisflour and bread crumbs and keep it all separate soyou've got it for future use. i love to use it inmany different recipes. one of the things we're goingto get started at this point is our rice because ittakes a little bit longer. so let's move theflounder to the side. what do wehave here? we have ourvegetable stock, our brown rice.
i'll set these in frontso you can see them. some minced garlic,some minced onion. since this hasan asian flair, for the spice on thisi chose a little bit of an asian chiligarlic sauce. you can find those atyour local supermarket, super store andthey are wonderful. let's go ahead and combineour brown rice in our pot. turn that heat on.
add in that stock. typically any time youmake rice just remember the two to one rule. about twice the amount ofliquid as you have rice. you notice,i didn't use water. why? it has so much moreflavor and anybody who's ever had brown rice,sometimes they have little issues wonderingdo i really like it?
doesn't havethe same flavor. i like my white rice. you put that stock inthere and it's incredible. we are throwing inhere some diced onions, diced garlic about atablespoon of onion and a teaspoonof garlic. some cilantro. the fun partabout cilantro, i like to tear it upand break it up by hand.
it doesn't bruise it. and you throw it right in andyou got that wonderful aroma. i love thesmell of cilantro. just a touch ofblack pepper. and again, talking aboutthat chili garlic sauce. let's go ahead and stir thiswhile we are getting started. the only reason we arestirring this is so we mix all of that seasoningevenly in the rice. and then cap it.
we've got it on relativelyhigh heat at this point and we will check itand turn that down. but that will be finishingright about the time that the showis completing. so wonderful,healthy brown rice. you seen a healthyversion of flounder. and when you think ofthe amount of sodium that you are savingin all this food, it's dramatic andmany people have issues.
that's one of the things we wantto talk about on the show: how you reduce the saltthat you eat and the fat. if we can address those twothings in a relative manner without starving you,you can have a great time. i cook at homeall the time. i absolutely do notuse salt. i have found that thereare many other ways to do things without it thati don't miss it at all now. here we are going tohave a lot of fun.
on this tray- we're going toset them all to the side of the cutting board--are allthe ingredients that are going to go into our asian stirfry that are already prepared. you say that's not fair. that's cheating. he's done all that workand i didn't see any of it. well we are going topick a couple of these and take the timeto show you. in front here are some ofmy favorite ingredients
that we have inthe stir-fry. where are wegoing with this? shiitake mushroomsare incredible. they are meaty. they've got apungent flavor. they are indigenousin most asian cooking. you can pick these up atyour local farmers market. often, some of thelocal stores have got great produce departments, butthe local farmers market
raising products like this,there's no pesticides, there's virtually nopreservatives that are added. i love it. so what do you do? shiitake mushrooms, thisis as simple as they come. i happen to be using anasian style cleaver because it's my favorite. at the beginning of mycareer i love the fact that i got to work in afive-star chinese restaurant.
the one thingthey showed me, and i want you totake a look at this, everything is cutthe same. whether it is snow peas--let's work on a couple of snow peas while weare doing all this. all we do is cut themlengthwise about a quarter of an inch wide. now you have theuniformity between the shiitake mushrooms,the snow peas.
what else do wehave in this dish? a lot. red bell pepper,green bell pepper, yellow bell pepper. on this side we'vegot some onions, some of that chili garlicsauce that you saw me using, the shiitake mushrooms. we're going to put in,as i mentioned earlier, a little touch ofthis low-salt soy
which is literallyhalf the salt that you would begetting otherwise. let's go backand peek. our rice is going verywell so we are going to drop the heat a hair. move it overto this side. put it back onthat low heat. keep your rice coveredand it will finish itself. now we are going to havea little bit of fun
and get into the detailsof where we are on the stir-fry itself. this one is something that ifyou start cooking stir-fry with all of thesewonderful ingredients, you can twist this up andturn it into something, in case you don't care formushrooms, that's fine. leave them out. sautã© somefor one person. cook the restwith mushrooms.
i'm going to have a littlebit of fun with you guys. what i'm going to show youtoday is that you can take brown rice, stock and makea dish that my daughter loves which is anasian-style flounder soup. i'm going to take apiece of this flounder, cut it into little cubes. we are going tokeep that to the side. remember, we aredoing a lot today. you'll never rememberall of the recipes.
go to our website:. all of theserecipes are there. so let's move these off tothe side because i want to focus on whatwe are going to do with this stir-fry and thischild version as well. stir-fry is incrediblyquick and incredibly easy, incredible flavors andthat's one of the things i love about itso much. let's move this otherflounder out of the way.
i've got a hunch we'llbe taking care of the crewwith that later. but what we want to dois work on the stir-fry. a little bit, half a teaspoon,of your sesame oil, only enough to coatthat pan. a little touchmore, perfect. now we are going toadd in our onion. you can see the panalready has a nice temperatureto it.
all of the bellpepper can go in along with theshiitake mushrooms. the shiitake mushroomsare really meaty. i like to add them in. we're going to put ourgarlic in right now kind of on the outside edges sothat it isn't directly over that heat because wedon't want it to burn. garlic has a great flavor whenit hasn't cooked too much. when it burns,it's bitter.
now our green bell pepperand our yellow bell pepper. isn't that great? look at the colorsgoing on there. to me, that's one of thebeauties of asian cooking is it is every bit aspretty as it is flavorful and they are so focusedthat there is uniformity in how you cutthe vegetables. we've got our fish onthis portion of the board. you can practice howyou do your vegetables.
i keep them all packaged inthe refrigerator at home so i can use them and theywill last a good week after you first cut themif you get them fresh. try to get themat a farmers market where they really aregoing to last longer. let's go aheadand toss this. every single show you aregoing to hear me harp and say if you can't do that,if you feel uncomfortable doing that, then iwant you to practice
with a piece of toast. but look at thecolors that are in there. now we will add in a bitof that chili garlic sauce. it is spicy. that is going to add quitea bit of heat to the dish. that's why i was verycareful to mix it around all of the stir-fry. now that the dish hasalready been tossed, throw in the cilantro.
i'm going to savehalf to put on top when the dishis done. the snow peas cango in at this point. snow peas arethe last to go in. because snow peastake the shortest amount of timeto cook. it's simple. you don't want to haveeverything ready and then those snowpeas turn a dark brown
when they areovercooked. so now let'stoss it again. stir-fry, guys, if youare not stirring it, it doesn't work. the beauty of this dishwhen i first worked in a chinese restaurantwas to watch the speed that these guys canflash those woks. a wok is nothing morethan a huge sautã© pan. so this is somethingthat you can do at home
and get the same flavors youwould get in a restaurant. it's just incredible. let's take a good look. we are going todeglaze this. all right, everybodyhears the word deglaze. what does it mean? deglaze is simplytaking a liquid, putting it in the pan toget the heat of the pan and pulls anythingthat was stuck
on the bottomof the pan out. i tell youwhat, the flavors, i can already get the aromathat is cooking off of them. it's wonderful. before we forget, we aregoing to move over here and stir up our rice. check the temperatureof that handle. it is looking incredible. wonderful flavorsgoing on inside there.
put the lid back on. it's doing great. the stir-fry, weare going to stage. all that means is goingto set it in the center where the heat of the pandoesn't hurt your countertop and let the vegetablessoak down. now the fun. here's wherewe're going. kids, what dothey like?
i don't know aboutyou, but my daughter when she was eight yearsold if it was red, if it was green,she wouldn't eat it. so what i'm going to do istake some cooked brown rice. when i make brown rice,i make a large amount. i put some into astorage area where you can keep them andi freeze that. then i will takethem out. you've got a niceresealable bag
that you can usesmall portions and i cook themfor my children. same thing i dowith stock. this is avegetable stock. it's delicious. let's turn the heat ofthat rice down just a bit because i seeit steaming. we're going to move this back over to the table where i'vegot those little pieces
of flounder that youmight remember. we're going to put this quickdish together for the kids. in the pan justa touch of oil. and when i say a touch,less than half a teaspoon. throw my garlic in there. my daughter doesn't likeanything green or red, you heard me say. so what do i do? i chop up some onions.
i've got my fish choppedright next to it we're going to throw in thereas well together. move it all together. a little bit of yellow,she can go for because it almost looks like therice and i find it adds a little bit of flavorof bell pepper without it beingtoo strong. using that clever cleaver, ithrow it all into the pan. so, you see somethinggreen with a jalapeno.
my daughterloves jalapenos. she will eatthem fresh, raw, in sauces, ontop of sauces. i don't know. i guess it just shows thatkids don't have to stay within the same rulesthat we do at times. going to add a littlebit of water to that pan. now we are going to throwin that child portion of rice and alongwith it our stock.
how easy is that? all this is stuff thatyou have at your house. i love how quick it is. you're going to graba bowl on the side and have a littlebit of fun. you see those smallpieces of flounder? they arealready cooked. that's what's so amazingabout cutting them in the right pieces.
so everything is small. nothing in there that'sobjectionable to a child. now where are wegoing with this? watch. put that intothe soup bowl. i make sure to get all ofthat goodness in there: all of that rice,all of that broth. let some of thatrice sit on top. all right, whatabout the jalapeno.
let's move that off tothe side we are going to take it and she lovesslices of jalapeno. is that too muchfor you? it might betoo much for me. but nonetheless,it's what she likes and on those i handlethem with care. put a few on top. it's just a great healthysoup for a child. again you don't haveto put the jalapenos,
you don't have to put any ofthe necessities that i did. you can find whatever youthink your child might like. while we aretalking about flounder, fish contain healthy fatsand omega-3 fatty acids. all of that is the bestingredients for a child and it adds inflavors. brown rice is such a goodsource of soluble fiber, it helps lowerldl cholesterol which is thebad cholesterol.
so you are gettingyour children set at a young ageto eat healthy. it's a great wayto go. we are going tohave a bit more fun. but to put thatstir-fry back on the heat. come and check ourrice down here and i tell you what,that rice is awesome. i can smell thatchili thai sauce. i love the flavors thatwe are doing today.
this has got to be one ofmy all time favorites. are you ready? now theimportant thing. we've got to check andsee how we are doing with our flounder. oh my gosh,i tell you what, it looks great. i'm going to take it,set it in the center so we don'tover cook it.
remember, thisis not fried. this is somethingwhere we can see a beautifulcrispness. we are goingto check it. look at that. it doesn't stick. it's beautiful. it's on therejust right. let's go aheadand kill that oven.
always remember,conserve your energy. turn it all off becausewhat we've got going on here right nowis incredible food, incredible flavor. i think we areat a point. the day when they havesmell-o-vision will be the day that wecan all go crazy. the aroma of this--i can smellthe shiitake mushrooms. it's got that pungentquality that i love
we will turn the riceoff altogether. slowly but surely we willstart putting this together because thisdish is so good, so light, so healthy with allof these beautiful colors. works really well. here we go. brown rice, not too much, righton the side of the plate. i will put a hair more. just think aboutthat we have no salt.
no salt in theentire preparation. one of the things thati just love about it. and yet you have got all ofthese great flavors going on. let's come overhere now. i love this! this is going to be abeautiful base to go underneath our flounder,our baked breaded flounder. i tell you what, anybodywho feels like they are suffering when theyeat a meal this good,
there is somethingwrong because this is absolutelydelicious. we've got all of thiswonderful stuff going on. let's go ahead and give itthat final presentation. look how nice andcrisp that flounder is. put it rightbetween the two. you're wonderingwhere the cilantro went. i love to throwthe cilantro around. it's got such a greataromatic quality
and it's abeautiful garnish. remember, we startedout talking in the beginningof the show. here we go, popping thosecashews on top as a garnish. remember, you canfind all my recipes with the nutritionalinformation on our website:. i'm chef rob stinson. thanks forwatching fit to eat. hey everybody,the chicks are here!
yay! baby chicks are one day oldwhen they come to the farm. their houses are clean, stockedwith plenty of fresh food and water and just theright temperature. our birds are keptinside to protect them and prevent diseases. we work hard to make surethese chicks grow up healthy. healthy animals insurea healthy food source for your family.
we are proud to bemississippi farmers feeding mississippi and the world. the farm familiesof mississippi. support for fit to eatcomes from mississippiseafood marketing, a division of the departmentof marine resources. from our watersto your table, wild-caught, gulf-freshseafood is fresh, local and healthy.
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